Yeah but you gotta take into consideration exchange rates. You said "case," which I'll take to mean a literal case (as opposed to a typical 12 pack "case"). Only place I can get a 24 pack, aka "case" of Corona is Costco, and that Costs me between $22-24. I'll say $23 for the avg. case of Corona down here. According to google exchange rate, that would mean a 24 pack "case" of Corona would cost..... HOLY FUCK WHAT THE HAPPENED TO THE CANADIAN DOLLAR?!?! Didn't yall used to be like $1.5 CA for every $US? And by "case" do you mean a literal "case" in the 24 pack sense, or a case as in a 12 pack?
Some people in the mines make that sort of money. I'm on around $60k at the moment and that will go up a bit once I'm fully qualified. The government here is woefully inept despite what they project to the rest of the world. As for cars I just bought a brand new Mitsubishi Triton GLX-R and that was $41K. A house in one of the bigger areas will generally go for upwards of $300k. The mark ups on everything here are ridiculous, I love my Vibram shoes but they nearly double in price if I buy them here. Even digital purchases of things like Adobe Photoshop are more expensive if you're from here.
Exchange rate be damned, in the last couple of years at one time or another the Aussie dollar was getting around $1.05 US and we were still paying more than you guys for everything. A 700ml bottle of Smirnoff here costs over $30 generally. You guys from what I've heard get 2l bottles for that price almost.
Chris?? I kid, one of my close friends loves him some Jaeger bombs. The rest of us not so much but... shots are fun?
Whats a drink cost in a bar then? Ive always heard Aussies love to drink, but at those prices, my god.
It depends, some places have some good specials like $10 jugs of beer and the like, basic spirits are now up around $8 a pop which is ridiculous because five year ago they were at $5. All in all you're looking at around $5 at least for the cheapest of drinks all the way up to $10 for some. I love me a drink and if I was a sober bitch then I'd probably be pretty well off because I reckon it's a good bet I've spent more than a years wages in the last ten on alcohol.
I drink far too much to live there and now I think air fare will be the cheapest part of the trip. I have a friend down there who said I can stay with him but those prices are big city esque. Chicago is pretty close to that, if I remember right.
You can get by if you do most of your drinking at home, I very rarely go out with the intention of getting drunk these days. If I want to do that I stay home and make a mess. I used to get a lot of free drinks at my local but I don't have one of those anymore.
That's just it though, I go out three nights a week or better. Not to get fucked up necessarily, but for four to eight drinks (tall beers). There I'd have to change that up a bit. It would be good for me but not easy, I'm pretty social.
But shit at those prices even getting drunk at home seems like something you have to budget for in Australia. No wonder people immigrate to America. Hell I'm living the "American Dream" just by being able to re-stock my mini bar without taking out a second mortgage.
Six of one, a half dozen of the other. Lots of people resort to drinking box wine or as it's called here, goon. I've been accused of being an alcoholic by a few people but as I say to them I don't go to meetings. I prefer the term professional drunk.
I'd be broke. But it does sound like they make a bit more so if I lived in a city with public transit I might be ok. Otherwise...
I think I'd be fine. If I was in college though I'd be screwed. I remember getting hammered 4 nights a week and drinking a few during the other 3. Thankfully I don't drink like I'm in college anymore, I hardly ever get wasted.