I don't know what all the complaining is about. You guys have that wonderful VB beer right? That's your country's Pabst isn't it? God it is awful.
I get the day off tomorrow, so I'm gonna make special brownies. So much better than smoking, so much better relaxation.
I want brownies. Not the special kind. I've never had them. I just want regular, warm, yummy, gooey, chocolatey, covered in ice cream and caramel...brownies.
So you're agnostic. edit: They accepted our offer this a.m. Barring the inspections being deal breakers, we have an address to move to when we PCS. This is a big yay.
Nothing wrong with that. I've generally considered myself agnostic with Christian leanings (mainly because of my upbringing). I don't believe in fire and brimstone, and I question when I'm told I should feel guilty for x, y, or z. edit again - the ads for this place are still spot on. I mention the house, and I start getting rooms to go ads.
I could totally do that as well. I have to be at work at 5 a.m., but only for a couple of hours. Then I don't have to be back til 5 p.m. Hmmm.
After nearly a month driving around Italy I've decided I'm not as against having semi-draconian traffic laws/cops as I was before. Those crazy wogs are suicidal maniacs on the road, overtaking on blind corners, weaving in and out of traffic at 160kph, never indicating etc. Bloody love their country/food/booze though.
Cologne is an amazing city, I think I'm going to make it policy to go out and visit a new place at least every other weekend I'm here. I'm thinking either Luxembourg City or Frankfurt. Hopefully my new passport gets here soon though, I'm tired of being restricted to travel when I live like an hour away from 3 other countries. Also, finally, after months of only having internet on my phone my cable situation got sorted out. Aaaaand now I'm going to get nothing done today.
Topping the list of things not to say to your wife the morning of her 30th birthday- "let's have old people sex" Then again, it was worth the reaction.