I don't want to talk about the south. It makes me irrationally angry. Hank Williams Jr can't die of liver cancer fast enough. So instead here is this: And this, which is weirding me the fuck out, but look at those cans:
Fathers, lock up your daughters, I'm single again. And unlike that fake breakup in September, this one's for real. Two back-to-back long weekends of relationship ending bullshit was enough, it seems. And, bonus, she knitted me a sweater that she was going to give me for my birthday but gave me as I was packing up my things, so I didn't have to wait for my birthday present!
Look without getting politcal (as if that's possible) the "alleged" rapist is a nephew or grandson of a state representative, from the article I read earlier the cops had audio/video confessions and then suddenly the prosecutor declined to try the case. This is a fucked up country. They also ran the Mother and Daughter out of town, then the home they were living in burned down for no reason. Also this is from the "alleged" rapist, classy guy In a recent retweet, he expressed his views on women — and their desire for his sexual attentions — this way: “If her name begins with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, she wants the D."
It's not photoshop, it's a mask. Brian Cranston wore that mask around ComicCon to avoid being recognized. Genius.
I guess the sweater curse is real. Good thing I never knit anything for my husband...mostly because he wouldn't appreciate it, but still.
She just tell you to pack your shit and get out? Or did you volunteer to leave? Feel sorry for you and especially your kids.
My grandmother knitted afghan and checkered quilts. I have let's see... Sixteen. Ill never have to buy anything else, ever, because they are awesome and duvets feel creepy. They feel like a blanket trying to unwantingly grind you to 112 on the dance floor.
My mom got back into quilting a few years back and I have an extra blanket. Shit is comfy as fuck but god damn does it get hot if the room isn't chilly.
I only have checkered quilts, I can't stand afghan quilts, with the frayed wooly fibres and how your holes poke through those fucking holes, it doesn't even keep you warm! It is the Sega Master System of blankets.
Well, there's a long backstory that I'm sure nobody cares about, but to make a long story short, she decided that Modern Family was "our thing" to watch together (we started watching out first episode last night), saw me watching it today, and stormed off. An argument ensued, in which that long backstory came out again and got rehashed. I decided that having an argument over me watching a TV show was about the stupidest fucking thing you could argue about, and I also decided that this was just one too many arguments to be worth it. Other arguments we've had include me showing insufficient gratitude for her sister buying me some instant coffee, and another time I had a look on my face during dim sum such that I ruined her meal. You might be confusing me with another board member, because we don't have kids and haven't been dating long enough to have them. Sure hope it stays that way over the next 2 weeks.
I mean some of those Europeans love that Nescafe shit. Personally if a girl got it for me and expected gratitude I'd tell her to hit the bricks. Life is too short for that bullshit ass excuse for coffee.
I'm at a three-day training seminar for work, sitting beside a guy who swears up and down that the Megalodon still exists and has recently eaten a large ship.
You are better off without her, I'm pretty sure it is illegal for you to be dating a 14 year old anyway.