There have been a couple days in the past month that for whatever reason, I skipped the coffee. I felt hungover, lethargic, irritable, and just completely sick each time. I am thinking I might need to wean myself off at some point but it ain't gonna be this month. I refuse to feel like that while trying to pack up all our shit and visit people who are probably going to put my teeth on edge anyway. I literally cannot think straight with no caffeine in my system.
I'm fully addicted and I'm ok with it. My problem is the iced coffees. I go to starbucks and drink the 30oz and then I'm flying. Problem is, the quantity is so large and the speed at which I drink iced coffee is like I will never see it again. If I skip a day of coffee after that, I feel like I will die.
Yup, I am exactly the same way. Caffeine is jet fuel for me if I get it, and if I don't I will just stay in bed until I realize, shit. It's the caffeine. Then I get some and I'm perfectly fine the rest of the day. I make a big pot in the morning but I usually can't finish it myself. I store the rest in the fridge and make iced coffees for a couple days until I run out, then I do it again. I really actually prefer the iced coffees because of the weather here. Hot coffee is amazing when it is chilly, but it is seldom like that here or where we are going to be living soon.
Take a day off and tell us how you feel. My dad told me how he used to do that at work all day too. He had meetings all day one day and apparently the coffee there was, unknown to him until the end, decaf. It was fucking terrible. Once he realized how addicted he was, he switched to decaf at work and a big thermos of regular coffee at home, only in the morning. And although his thermos is big, it is probably 50% half and half, so really not that terribly much coffee. I might switch to decaf. Does it taste any different?
Are you also gonna switch to O'Douls? I have 2 coffee makers at home. A 4-cup Mr. Coffee which is about 2 mugs worth and a French press for on the weekends. I never keep less than 3 types of coffee in the house and I make my own blends. I also grind fresh every day. I don't even know what this decaf that you speak of, is.
I don't see my caffeine addiction as a big deal, except that we will be traveling soon so I am looking at ways to head it off and not turn into a bear. There will always be something that will fuck your schedule up, and it's kind of weird to think that if I don't get this food item in the morning that my life will be wrecked. I heart my coffee pot and moka pot, too. I just like the way coffee tastes. Deeeelicious!
I'm not addicted to caffeine. I drink coffee all day long and then a red bull before training every night during the week. On the weekends, I don't usually have much, if any caffeine* and it doesn't bother me. During hunting season, I usually don't drink any coffee. Coffee is the flame that lights the fuse to my shit cannon and I don't need to try plopping a duece while standing cock-deep in the duck blind or sky diving a turd out of my deer stand. *Unless I hit the mixed drinks.
I drink a travel mug's worth of coffee if I am going to work and a regular mug's worth at home. I definitely feel better when I've had coffee, and my morning is certainly more pleasant. But I can usually survive if I don't have it. When I'm feeling ill, I am completely turned off to it.
The thing about Nirvana is that not only were they not that great of a band, Kurt Cobain himself would probably agree with that statement. Today's been a long day. I went straight to my friend's place off the road from Montreal, had a beer, then went to a CE event where there was wine. I crashed at my friend's place, got up at 5 this morning, came home, showered, got dressed, and went into work. The topic of the event last night was GI issues (from heartburn to IBS to IBD, etc.) and I took three dumps before 9 am. Gastroenterologists have special powers, it seems.
I used to do Red Bull x 2 in the morning before lifting, now I do C4 and some fruit. I don't miss the red bull, I just didn't lift this morning and I haven't had anything.
Five-Hour-Energy is the best stuff for hunting. You'll be up and at 'em without having to look for leaves around your stand to wipe your ass with. I went from drinking coffee all day long at work to just coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon, and now I just have black tea in the morning and green in the afternoon. I'd feel like shit after too much caffeine at work and for me tea has just the right amount. On that note, I don't fire up the snowblower until I have coffee with Irish cream ready.
I drink coffee every morning, and sometimes a cup during the day. When I went to Africa, I quit drinking it for a few weeks before, so that I wouldn't be on Kilimanjaro and be having caffeine withdrawal headaches or something. It was surprisingly easy - I drank a cup of decaf in the morning to scratch the itch a little, but a little lethargy in the first couple mornings wasn't too bad.
Jesus, you people like your coffee. I'll have a mug every morning about three weeks in a row, then go a week without it. Honestly doesn't really seem to affect me, I just like the taste of it.
Every time we hear Get Lucky on the radio the fiance starts singing "we rub a Mexican monkey". Makes me laugh every single time.