Wha...? I mean, how? Maybe it's too early for me, but I'm sincerely failing to grasp the possible way this could even be achieved, let alone why anyone would do this. Then again, I have an utter disdain for fair foods of almost all kinds. With the exception of a small fair in Northeast Ohio each year, and only because most of the food at that fair is actually from local restaurants that set up booths for the week.
They basically make a batter of coke, flour, and sugar, make it into balls, and drop them in the fryer, they are basically like coke donuts. Just fatties doing fat stuff.
Our State fair is here this week too and has deep fried Kool-Aid. There has also been a shit load of gang activity and people getting arrested there on a daily basis. Stay classy, Columbia.
This was at the Minnesota State Fair this year... the stand was simply titled "Big Fat Bacon": Of course this too.
I was always partial to fried cheese on a stick with a funnel cake for dessert. Fairs are good places to people watch, the wife and I witness a man in a electric 4 wheel scooter towing his wife around ( who was in a wheelchair ) around behind him. Neither were disabled, just massively obese.
Typically I go through 4 - 5 pots a day at work (Monday - Saturday). However, most Sundays I don't have a single cup nor do I drink anything else with caffeine.
Freeze a couple of Oreos, dip them in funnel cake batter and deep fry them. Call them beingets and reduce the shame by at least 50%.
On the topic of shitty food, a Cronut is a turnover. Stop paying five hundred bucks for one or they're going to have to change their name to Fuck The Homeless.
The only one of those deep fried fair things I had the inclination to eat was the deep fried snickers bar. It was wonderful. We haven't gone to the fair in years. My daughter developed some sort of aversion to them, and I wasn't about to complain given how much of a money suck they are.
This video makes me laugh. I love the guy in the hat. "Working just doesn't do it for me...I'd rather get free food".
Re: Re: WDT 10/11/13 Actually, from what I can tell, the picture is from a fair in PA. Besides, that picture is waaay too fancy to have ever taken place in Cleveland.
A stupid question unrelated to state fairs and one that I am (frankly) embarrassed to ask. Do you wear an engagement ring on the inside or the outside of your wedding band?
A rare question on The Idiot Board I can answer using my all-things-girly expertise: wedding band inside, engagement ring outside.