These are all serious questions... Do you/Have you ever owned: a confederate flag? a bumper sticker stating "The South Will Rise Again"? a real tree iphone cover? the blue colored comedy tour dvds?
Ow I'd soooo edit your post for making fairly obvious and tired jokes at the expense of a sub group of the population that get an inordinate amount of shit if I could.
You live in Cincinnati and rode dirt bikes competitively. Don't be jealous because your answers are easy to guess.
Apparently revenge porn is becoming such a problem that some states are considering passing laws against it. I always thought "revenge porn" was just a joking way of labeling amateur porn. I didn't know people actually, you know... DID it. On that note, Ballsack, I heard you were bitter about your ex-wife?
I feel like there is a predictable pattern around here with mods. They go from super involved, to resentful, to never seen again. I think as a group, we are really horrible people.
Honky, please. When I was living in Charleston, SC I saw a bumper sticker for sale that read "I ride with Forrest". Some of you may have to look that up. For a racist redneck bumper sticker it is at least sort of subtle.
Spot on. Along with the "If I had known you were going to be this much trouble I'd have picked my own cotton." bumper stickers.
Well revenge porn has taken on the meaning of distributing private picture/video without the consent of the participant. Not just vindictive posting to spite someone, though it probably is a major motivator for a lot of it. I am actually cool with these laws. Revenge porn postings have a chilling effect on women who might otherwise want to show me their titties, asses, and/or pussyholes via electronic devices. It's not like it's going to slow down celebrity sex tapes or anything.
If this were the TMMB/RMMB this would not even be a conversation and we all know it. Although it is true things are more lax here, that has its pitfalls too. Get off Nom because for the most part you guys get to say/post whatever you want with very little mod influence or interaction directly with your posts. As for 'sack, I've been posting with the guy for years and have developed a way of dealing with him that works but it took a while. Find your way because he will not change. Mine works for me because, as he knows, I have called him out before and even made him think. Maybe it's because he knows I will I dunno but either way like everyone else here, he is what he is. If a mods way of dealing with him is to edit a post here and there so what? Is anyone editing your posts? Probably not or more of you would be bitching about it happening to you, so get over it. Moving on, 3 day weekend Bitches! I am thinking about branching out and trying to make The Pioneer Woman’s Spicy Dr. Pepper Pork Butt.
I posted about how my boss and the girl he met on Plenty of Fish broke up and how crazy she is. Well, he told me today that she is texting him pictures of her sitting there with a boob hanging out, as well DICK pictures of the new guy(s) she's banging and about how many times this new guy came last night. Gee, boss, thanks for showing me all those dick pictures at work. And the funny thing is he's a real quiet guy, so he's blushing the whole time he's doing this. And all I could think is that he could post those pictures on one of those revenge sites if he was so inclined. But I think that would bring more crazy.
A Canadian stamp costs $0.63. Are you shitting me? The last time I sent a letter, it cost $0.50. This is bullshit. Christ, I'm old.
What about peckerwood? I'd hate to think I wasted all that time I spent teaching it to my phone's keyboard.
So in other words, I could take some dick pics, put them on my phone, then show them to a female co-worker and it'll be alright as long as I claim they're dick pics some other guy sent to an ex, who then sent them to me in order to make me jealous?
Yes, this is the clear exception to the sexual harrassment rules. As long you explain in depth why you are displaying pictures of erections to a subordinate staff member, you are protected from any punishment. Speaking of racial humor and or sexual harrassment, I got written up for sexual harrassment when I worked at Lowe's years back before I did x-ray. There was this piece of white trash that I didn't like who looked like she belonged on Maury. Well, I was talking about her to a buddy of mine and said she likes to get DP'd by Puerto Ricans. Which is wrong, because it could have been any hispanic or minority race. One of her friends on another isle overheard me and went to HR. I get brought into a meeting with the store manager and the HR chick. The store manager is a super relgious Christian and reminded me a bit of Flanders, but fatter. The best part of this whole thing is him reading back to me complaint and saying exactly what I said to my buddy. I didn't care that I got written up, but watching his face when he said "Getting DP'd by Puerto Ricans" was one of the greatest moments of my employment history.