Yes, I was there exactly a year ago last weekend. I got into my bed and breakfast and the most adorable Flemish couple greeted me with the greatest phrase you can hear in Belgium: "Would you like to try a local beer?" Fuck yes I wanted to try a local beer. Otherwise, thanks everyone for taking time to respond to my question. The only response I have is that my workplace is kind of... different than most. Being fired isn't really much of a concern. You need special professional qualifications to do what I do, and the people who have those qualifications aren't exactly lining up to do my job because we can all find higher paying jobs working at Shopper's Drug Mart. But going about this the wrong way could definitely hurt my progression here.
I'm a big fan of High Life. It's hands down my favorite macro brew, and in a bottle I'd take it over quite a few macro brew lagers too. So obviously I'm biased. MGD isn't bad per say, it's just... heavy? Almost has a buttery taste to it, for me at least. Especially in the aftertaste. It'd probably go good with garlic bread or turkey or something. It's not heavy like regular bud, and it's very easy to drink, but it's just a completely different flavor profile. I'd say of all the macros out there MGD is easily the most distinct of all of them.
Intentionally deny him some critical information that will set him up to fail spectacularly in front of your superiors. Let it fester for a while, and when it finally comes to a head and he has to go in and explain how he "didn't know how this could have happened," you send in little missed chewed out with a solution she had prepared for the "oversight" she had noticed he was making. The day is saved, he looks like shit, you get to cackle and twiddle your fingers.
We're going to the state fair tomorrow. I haven't been since I was about 13. Gotta get a corny dog and a Shiner. No Nutella bombs or fried Thanksgiving balls for this girl. I'd blow up a port-a-potty.
The main prizes at the carnival are variations of Minions. Giant. Minions. I only barely restrained myself from spending all my moneys to get a minion.
El husband says she is cheating because that dude has tiny arms. "She'd never be able to take this bad boy!" Arm flexes commenced. Also mods, if you get an email from a dude who wants to get a username, don't do it.
MGD is the one and only Miller beer you'll see people drinking around here. It is popular and well-liked, myself included. Miller High Life is for bozos who watch Jackass too much. That shit sucks, even Miller thinks it sucks.
So true 'Sack. I can't stand High Life. That hipster shit sure as hell ain't the champaign of beers. I don't give a fuck how many bubbles it has.
That just shows you that hipsters drink whatever people hate-- garbage swill like HIgh Life and Pabst-- just to make sure they stand out. There's no way somebody chooses Miller High Life over other beers. OV tastes better than High Life and OV tastes like the inside of your granddaddy's undies.
And I almost forgot the crazy/funny part of how I got my wife preggo (is it just me or does it seem like every serious story on this board always has a really weird backstory?): For legal reasons which I can't go into detail about, the day before I knocked her up I was hit in the head by another (juvenile; work-related) with three chairs and a table. At least that's what I can remember; I know I was hit in the head with more objects but I don't recollect the specifics. I remember almost nothing from the next week or so after that, other than the day after the concussion my wife and I had sex -- apparently something works -- and two days later I went to the ER with what the doctors thought was a stroke. Left side of my face was "droopy" and not working. My neurosurgeon and a neurologist appointment followed. Neurologist read the extensive blood work they did in the hospital and I just found out that my liver, which for the last 5 years had been borderline non-functioning, is now in perfect working order. Neurosurgeon read the CAT scans and MRIs and told me that I had suffered "multiple TBIs [traumatic brain injuries; ie concussions]." Yet somehow, I managed to impregnate the wiffey despite those circumstances. ... There's a Ballsack ex-wife joke somewhere in here Takeaway: the more MGD you drink, the better it tastes
I think that what's most unsettling about this gif is how oh so nonchalant the girl on the receiving end is about the whole thing. From the boobs up, she looks like she's having a lazy Sunday watching the Food Network.
I say that GIF is fake, there's no way someone can be shoulder deep in your ass without any discomfort.