Hey! Grits are the bomb diggity, especially when saturated with butter, cheddar, bacon, lard, onions, and shrimp.
Oh, no. Now we're gonna fight. (I mean, I am a retard.) But, if you've never had shrimp and cheese grits, you're missing out, my friend. Great. Now I'm hungry.
Just when you though humanity couldn't get any weirder. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/201...cookbook-recipes-storage-tips-_n_3043664.html
It is easy to rip on the South, but they do grits right. Basically anyone would have a hard time not liking well done grits.
You're right every time I eat oatmeal I think, "Ya know, some seafood would really take this to the next level."
Two things: - at no point have I ever thought humanity couldn't get any weirder. - this is the most important part of the article you quoted, scientifically: ". . . semen is good for your mental and physical health." That's a pretty good opening line when you're out on the town.
I will come through this computer and strangle you. Comparing oatmeal and grits is like comparing chimpanzees and humans. You can make the argument about what they have in common all you want, but you're not going to let a monkey give you a blowjob are you? Okay, bad example.
Out of all the stupid, useless, mean spirited, hate fueled, uneducated, racist, buffoonish, mired in a miasma of their own ignorance, things the south has done, grits is not one of them. It's just corn. Every culture in the world has a ground corn dish. Even if it does taste like hot snot. If you're not adding cream and cheese, you've lost the game. Chicken and waffles is fucking amazing. I will stab a bitch. There's a dive over here, Bay Bay's, that elevates fried chicken to an art form. Then they slap that fucker on a baller waffle.
I just got a massive speeding ticket last weekend in New York City of all places. I managed to get pulled over in the city where I would have assumed it was virtually impossible. Granted, I was driving really fucking fast on a 30 mph street and had out of state plates, but I thought it was part of the rules that you had to drive like an asshole up there.
Someone explain chicken and waffles to me. Not once have I ever sat myself down in front of fried chicken and thought to myself, "You know what would make this better? FUCKING WAFFLES!", unless I was so goddamned high any combination of food would have made perfect sense.
Yea I don't get it either. I have never sat, ate waffles for breakfast and thought, know what would make this better, fucking fried chicken.
Then you have obviously never experienced sage maple syrup, nectar of the gods and perfect compliment to both chicken AND waffles.
I felt the same way when I was in college. Then I went to Roscoe's Chicken n Waffles, and my life was forever changed. Fried chicken and Cheese omelette with a waffle? With the perfect amount of butter and syrup? Why yes, that sounds delicious. I don't care that you can feel yourself getting fatter as you eat it. It is amazing.
$10 says if we started a thread about the things we have eaten while drunk, these same people questioning chicken and waffles would brag about eating stranger combinations of food and defend them with zeal. But it's one of those purple $10 bills, so nobody cares.
I would cut a bitch for some grits or homemade mac and cheese right now. I never had them 'til I moved to Atlanta. Y'all can keep your sweet tea, fried chicken and overrated Zaxby's. Luckily I left before I turned into a big Jabba the hut-esque mass of cheesy bacon grits.