Just remind them that it was drinking that led to their present condition. Then, stand back. A glorious autumnal Sunday afternoon, perfect for football and gumbo on the patio. I'm using a Paul Prudhomme recipe that calls for chicken, sausage, shrimp and crab meat. Recipe says it serves 12 and there's only 3 of us. Sounds about right.
So I'm running the Spartan Beast race on November 9th. 10-12 miles of crazy obstacles, sounds like fun. The 9th also happens to be my late brothers birthday, so I'll have some extra push to keep going on that day. On an unrelated note, one of my best friends that I've known for almost 20 years just got engaged. I found out by seeing it on facebook. She is ten years younger than him and really seems like the kinda girl that would get pregnant and then use the kid as a weapon against him. She has told me that she has no interest in going to college and doesn't like to work and that she really just wants to get pregnant. He's a grown man and will makes his own decisions, I just hope he is making the right one.
Dry Dock's Imperial Pumpkin tastes like pumpkin pie. Dear god, it's so fucking expensive though. $9.99 for 18oz, while enough to catch a buzz on, is a bit high for me.
I understand, NFL powers that be, I live in Philly, I had to suffer through the Philly game, but then the 4 p.m. game is Baltimore/Pittsburgh? Jesus. Whose wheaties did I pee in today to deserve this dreck?
When Sheen is what you aspire for, perhaps you need to re-examine your life a bit. VI - we suffered through the 2 and 12 Chiefs last year and are being rewarded now. Maybe things will look up for you
Yes but "them" is actually "my wife." And it was an on-purpose baby. She's saying it's half my fault and thus I shouldn't drink beer in front of her. My stance is it's a free world, my house, beer is intended to be drank rather than looked at, and I'm not the one risking fetal alcohol syndrome by drinking it.
What would she do if you just said "fine" and went to a bar so it wouldn't be in front of her? And then called her for a ride home?
I should have been more clear, I stopped being an Eagles fan the moment they signed Michael Vick. So I couldn't care less whether they win or lose, I just like to watch a good game (which it wasn't). I've always been a Broncos fan (I was born out there, and my Grandpa made damn sure I prayed to the Orange and Blue before I was 7). The Chiefs look really, really good this year. It couldn't be the coach though, because Philly got rid of him because he was burned out...or too old...or something.
Maybe the QB? We're just taking advantage of everybody else's discards. I got into the biggest argument with an Eagles fan about my thoughts on Michael Vick, but apparently it doesn't matter if you are a thug when you can win some football games.
Alex Smith is a very good quarterback that had to learn a bunch of new systems during his early career. Once Harbaugh took over, he finally gained some consistency. Last year, before Kaepernick, Alex Smith was having a hell of a season. He's having a good season this year. I don't know why NFL coaches are so dazzled with running quarterbacks, they don't win Superbowls. Are they exciting to watch? Sure, they are. But they don't win the big game. The last QB that was sort of a running QB to win a Superbowl? Steve Young. And less than 10% of his total yards came on the ground. Guys like Vick and Kap are well over 20% of total yards on the ground. It works great in college, not so well in the NFL (though Kaep has a good arm too and consequently is running a lot less this year).
What the fuck kind of call was that in the end of the Pats-Jets game? Unsportsmanlike conduct for pushing your own teammate? And not even maliciously, it was part of a safety move. 15-year penalty and automatic first down. What a load of horseshit.
Come out to Colorado, its not that far from you, we have plenty of weed. Come Jan 1, we'll have stores, the catch being though you need a state ID to buy it.
Hard to say, it depends on what the politicians decide, I imagine it'll be street value, because how else would you value it that isn't too litigious, so last time I knew how much weed cost was in college, and I think an 1/8th was ~50, so lets assume 50~+ a 30% tax. Right now its legal but not sold. It'll be interesting to see how much it actually costs when it's sold in stores. The other thing though is, just because its legal in the state, employers can still drug test you for it and make hiring/firing polices accordingly. So the state says its fine, but your company can still fire you for smoking it. Because as we all know, federal law trumps state law and they can say they are following federal law. I'm sure come January I'll let you guys know how things are sorting themselves out. As far as I can tell, no one out here is overly enthusiastic about it. Its more a relief than something to celebrate. I'm sure the stoners will go crazy, but there is now an established marijuana DUI limit, so they will get busted, just the same as someone who goes out to the bar who parties.
Anybody see those retard Scout leaders ruin that 200 million year old rock formation in Utah? Fucking idiots. They said it "posed a threat." Yep, after a few million generations it decided to break free from its prison and attack some homophobes/homosexuals.
The amount of rage I have for this lowlife is baffling. I am so tired of people just fucking with things that have no bearing on their life. It is everywhere, it is contagious. That fag is also an insurance scammer. Which makes me want someone to set his testicles on fire. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.kutv.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_7578.shtml?wap=0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.kutv.com/news/top-stories/st ... html?wap=0</a>