Rock tipping or not, I can't believe people let their kids look up to these fat fucking retards. 5 seconds into the video I wanted to kill the guy filming.
The rock thing is annoying, suing a 16 year old girl four years after a fender bender, is something the else. That guy is pure white trash. I don't think them tipping the rock had anything to due with the scouts, I think it had something to do with them being white trash and trying to have fun and being stupid.
The place is called I think Goblin Valley, named after those rocks called Goblin Rocks. They're like stalagmites/stalactites and are considered untouchable monuments. Those guys are pieces of shit. They just wanted to commit vandalism because they're childish hayseeds and now are public enemy #1. And the lawsuit.... Jesus that has ambulance chaser written all over it. I want to drop a brick on his face while he's asleep.
God what cosmic justice would it have been if it feel towards him and pinned his worthless ass underneath. When people use the term mouth breathers. This is who they are talking about.
It may have been funnier if it fell on the camera man. That guy is just as much a worthless retard as the guy who pushed it over. Btw, I know that area, and that park is out in the middle of a God forsaken country with no one there, it is literally one of the most desolate, if not the most desolate places in the country. If this guy had not taken a video of this, no one outside of a handful people, would have noticed, and really no one would've cared much.
Oh man, I hadn't heard about the lawsuit. That is absolutely hilarious. He could not have fucked himself more if he had a clone bending him over a desk.
So much for "leave no trace". Those guys are all assholes, and know better. The idea they filmed it makes them even dumber.
Believe it or not the person you should feel sorry for is this guy's lawyer. He's probably fronted two or three thousand dollars on this case representing this guy and is now desperately trying to back out of this case as fast as he can and cut his losses while an insurance adjuster somewhere is laughing his ass off.
Yup, that 'intentional criminal act' exclusion is always a bitch! Anyway, here's the song I was talking about the other day. No, I'm not channeling Nitwit.
I'm hoping nothing falls back on the Boy Scouts, because that mouth breather is not what they're about. Some of the leaders are serious dumbasses but I never encountered one that amazingly stupid. What a piece of shit.
I loved The Roof is Leaking on that album. Even though it's sad. And you can never have enough banjo in a song. Wait, we're supposed to feel SORRY for lawyers? Too obvious?
Clamoring for more banjo takes away your credibility to make lawyer jokes. It's like Cleveland sports fans making fun of Atlanta sports fans.
I live outside Philadelphia, I don't make fun of any sports fans. And Phil Collins and banjo = awesome.
School is stupid. Why wont they just hand me a piece of paper that says I can teach? It's not like the public actually gives a shit about the public school system anyway. I could slip through the cracks of apathy.
I know. It was just laying there, so I picked it up. Although I don't like my sister's divorce lawyer as it's going on two years and she's about $40,000 in the hole with no end in sight. When she tries to question when he thinks it will all be over he yells at her. She would switch but I think the idea of starting over is too daunting. I'm not sure I would speak to the friend anymore that recommended him.
I'm pretty convinced the one grainy picture, where his upper chest and shoulders are yolked, is doctored. Cause he was shirtless all over the place in the summer and he was still scrawny but defined. I find it hard to believe he put on 20 lbs of muscle in just that upper torso area in 2-3 months, given that he's a 5'7 toothpick
I'm pretty sure the Cracks of Apathy were on the Lollapalooza bill in 1993. Okay, these things just happened: a lawyer joke was made, and 'sack came to the defense of lawyers as a decent group of folks. Same 'sack thinks a mostly naked Justin Beiber looks good. Alrighty, then. Unrelated palette cleanser: Are there photography awards for publications like Playboy? Because, I believe this shot would win the Mostly Naked Pushups On A Mirror category.
Sitting in the social security office waiting to do a name change. What. A. Beating. The people watching is incredible but even I have my limits.
I feel like a sack of well-trodden donkey shit today. Patient Zero is getting a horse's head left on her keyboard tray when I go back to work tomorrow.