We had to take our soon-too-be 16 yo daughter to the ER last night/this morning. She's very tall (6') and er, um....well developed. Two male nurses were tending to her and flirting until they had to check her ID bracelet to match her name and DOB and then they gave me a sheepish look. You know where she's going to go to college? The University of Phoenix, that's where.
Who are the "ghetto pieces of shit" in your opinion? Besides the aunt, who absolutely seems like an ignorant retard (I'm paraphrasing), everyone else seemed like pretty normal, concerned citizens. That one guy did sound very black though... and I think someone in the background was wearing a do-rag... maybe they were the ghetto pieces of shit? That black firefighter seemed pretty shady too, maybe you meant him?
Settle down princess, I don't think he missed the mark by much. I think you lacked a bit of reading comprehension regarding what lies between the quotation marks.
I thought he missed the mark a little when he called that black lady an ignorant nigger, but that's just me...
My first STD? What a day. Spoiler Well, two sexual encounters with the newest (and only for about 6 months) FWB starting on the wrong foot. She tested positive for Chlamydia, but I wrapped it both times, and (for once this is a positive) there was no oral, just fucking. I have no symptoms, and she says she was clean before. Apparently it can stay dormant for years? Jesus Christ. Going to get tested in a few days. Good times.
Please take the time to explain to me how his use of the words "ignorant nigger" is anywhere near the mark or appropriate.
Perhaps being from Australia I don’t become as hysterical when a whity drops the N bomb as you yanks do. And in my opinion that aunty from the video deserves whatever derogatory shit is laid at her feet wether it’s PC or not. I tend to save my rage for those who neglect children into a smoldering crisp rather than those who call people nasty names.
Australia is one of the most comfortably racist countries going around. I'm perfectly happy saying that having lived here since I was 14.
You mean apart from all of Asia including India, Africa, the middle east and Eastern Europe? We make tastless jokes, the real hate can be found elsewhere.
America has gotten pretty lazy with our racism. Most people can't even tell a mick from a dago anymore. Last week I saw a tv show where they cast a guy who was obviously Korean as the son of a Chinese couple.
BOOM ROASTED? Having lived in China for a while I can attest that racism is viewed quite a bit differently in that part of the world, which is to say, they are down with it. Here in the states for the most part it has been vilified, rightly, to the point of absurdity.
Nah it doesn't. It's just a shitty study that's all. They only compared who ate the most bacon vs who ate the most fish. It's not prospective, and it only shows correlation. Now I know it might get annoying to hear ''these studies are FLAWED I tell you!!!'' from the paleo crowd, but it's because they are. Spoiler ''NHANES is supposed to be the most comprehensive set of health data and nutrition information ever collected on children and adults in the United States and represents 40 years of tax funded investment by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The researchers examined data from 28,993 men and 34,369 women between 20 and 74 years of age from NHANES I (covering 1971 to 1974) through NHANES (covering 2009 to 2010) and looked at the caloric intake of the participants and their energy expenditure predicted by height, weight, age and sex. The major defect is the number of calories ingested does not equal the energy expended based on the self-reported data. The majority of people involved in the studies from NHANES could not live on the amount of food they claim to eat daily. The greatest deficit in caloric reporting was found to occur in people who are overweight or obese. The misrepresentation of caloric intake ranged from 25 percent to 41 percent. The researchers conclude that “The nation's major surveillance tool for studying the relationships between nutrition and health is not valid. It is time to stop spending tens of millions of health research dollars collecting invalid data and find more accurate measures."''
Ballsack, you can just come right out and say that you find these things far more offensive and troubling than anything else you saw in that video. Oh, word, you all were just joking.
I don't think anyone is really focused on the fact that Ballsack4.0 said those words. If I had jumped in and said those things, I sincerely hope everyone would've red dotted me into oblivion for using such demeaning, degrading, and racist terminology in response to an unfortunate video. Also, I highly doubt you would've used that word to describe another race of people. Let's be real: you aren't being edgy, dude. You're being the worst kind of asshole right now.
I would hope not. Calling a Chinese person the N word doesn't really make sense. I'm a little surprised that people seem more upset that he used that word than they are about the sentiment behind the post. On a more positive note, I've been watching the CinemaSins YouTube channel. It is mildly amusing. I'd post a video but I'm behind the firewall at work.
Unfortunately there is no comparable word for us honkies that doesn't come of sounding funny. Barring some huge oversight or media bias during the reporting/editing of that story you are going to have a hard time excusing that bitches statements. You can't blame everything on the institutional or cultural pigeon hole she's in.
The woman in that video deserves to be called every racial slur in the book a million times over, have her fingers chopped off with a cigar cutter and then buried alive. I don't give a SHIT what sack called the bitch because she deserves it. I am brought back to when a woman told Christopher Hitchens something he said was offensive and he said back "What's your point?"
Really? An "unfortunate" video? That bitch deserves to serve jail time for her negligent acts right along side the kids mother who went with her. In what world is it just unfortunate that they left a two and a three year old alone while they took some dude home, after he cut their grass? She deserves all the degrading shit any of us could say about her up to and including the N bomb. There are members of society who deserve the worst regardless of race. She is one of those. Ride the PC train if you want but how are you going to rail on sack and then just call it an unfortunate video? That aunt was laughing. She said she didn't feel bad about letting the kids alone and then something about the kids starting the fire or someone throwing something burning into the apartment. Fuck that bitch with a rusty dildo covered in broken glass. The kids were innocent but she certainly isn't.
Oh please. Pull the martyr stick out of your butt and actually pay attention to what I said. I don't care who said those words. Truly, I don't. I'm not a member of some secret TiB Illuminati group that meets in private and discusses how to police your posts in order to hang you so fucking high on a cross that all the other board racists can worship at your bloody feet. You said something disgusting, and I'm going to call you out on it. I would do the same fucking thing if someone else said it. So drop this "wah, wah, you're just bagging on me because it's ME" crap. I'm not "coming to the aid" of anyone. I think most well-adjusted people can hold two coexisting beliefs here: that this woman is a vile human being and also that it is not okay to refer to her race in a degrading and highly offensive manner. Because, you know, IT'S NOT OKAY. It really doesn't matter what context you're using those words in, ballsack. It's fucking wrong to do so.
This, right here, demonstrates exactly the mindset behind your original comment. Do you know this person's circumstance? The fact is you have no idea, her race has nothing to do with whether or not she's ignorant, and she just went through a traumatic event - people say and do all kinds of crazy shit during trauma. A friend of mine's mother died in a car accident and my friend asked several times about whether the car was okay. It's not because she didn't care about her mom, it's because her brain basically shut down. So you saw a video, with no context, about a traumatic event, and you label the person an "ignorant nigger who doesn't want to work." Does that really not make you want to examine your opinions more closely?