I’ve been struggling to hone a straight razor. Knives are fairly easy but razors are a fraction of that size with a sharper edge. Damn hard to find the sweet spot.
Happy Thanksgiving! Did you spatchcock or cook it whole? I meant to say something on your cooking thread post about the garlic soup. It looked SO good. I'm a little afraid to try making some.... not in the mood to repaint my whole house.
Actually, cooked it whole. It barely fit in the oven, and was overhanging the largest roasting pan I have. It was pretty awesome. Prepped the skin with a lot of kosher salt, then butter, then a heavy coating of the Cabela's Blackened Seasoning... stuffed the cavity with a couple cut up onions and a cut up orange, then let it go at 350 for a couple of hours to get the skin crispy, tented it in foil, then cooked it until the internal probe said 160. I thought the skin was going to burn, even with the tenting, but it actually turned out absolutely perfect... super crispy and tasty seasoned skin, with an incredibly dark brown but not burnt colour to it. Even after dinner everyone was going after pieces of the skin. And yeah... between the garlic soup, turnip, and Brussels sprouts... some gas was had by all.
Just watched a personal injury courtroom show where some fatass was awarded $1.5M for injuring himself on a waterslide where there were multiple signs saying 300 lbs was the weight limit. Shit like this prevents me from opening another business. In my opinion, the business owner did everything right on his end. There’s nothing else he could’ve done to maintain safety, similar to the hotel owners in Vegas being found liable for Vegas shooting. Going forward, make a rule that if a business is to be held liable, practical resolutions must be provided by the court to avoid future liability. Of course the court has no ideas, just that someone “has to pay”. What a crock of shit.
My wife was throwing a fit about me saving some leftover deviled eggs for her. If she was a little nicer about it (or let me eat them all) I wouldn't have done anything to them. But since she decided to be an ass, I remembered that cayenne pepper closely resembles paprika, which was already on the eggs. Now there's just a little extra "paprika." For perspective, she consider's whataburger's spicy ketchup around her upper limits.
Incredibly juvenile senses of humor combined with an inability to stay mad at each other for longer than about 5 minutes. A few minutes ago I let rip a deviled egg fart that immediately doubled the humidity in the room. She threatened to rip out one of my pubes and feed it to me while I was sleeping if I farted like that again. I promised to lubricate a tampon with superglue and shove it in her fun funnel if she tried that. We're both early 30s.
But an airplane can’t possibly take off on a conveyor belt. Why would you even say it? Next you’ll tell me you’d save the man first if he fell through the ice!
My wife’s ex husband is a piece of shit. He’s been in and out of prison, crashed half a dozen cars, and sold meth. Meanwhile he has a 5 year old he sees a couple times a month under his parents supervision (whom he lives with). His son calls me “dad”. Selling meth put him away for 18 months and now 20 years of probation. He got out recently and came over and apologized for not being there for his son while I was. He also apologized for being almost two years behind in child support. For the first time I felt some sort of compassion for the guy and it was a cordial exchange. I just told him to keep doing what he’s doing getting his life in order. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard him apologetic and I couldn’t help but empathize with him. Keep in mind I also told him this is his one and only shot with me and there are no second chances. Seeing him turn his life around is worth the risk as long as we can shield his son from any fallout.
Trusting the word of a career criminal/addict is as easy as finding a clock in a casino. Do not relax around this person. “Fallout” from people like this.... well, you know it’s the worst kind. Just be careful.
Maybe it’s me, but I cannot understand the appeal of the H3 podcast. Maybe its the same as Opie & Anthony: the guests they have are great, while the hosts are a couple of unfunny sycophant assholes.