I agree, but it's still the guy's kid, no matter how much of a fuck up he is. My favorite quote from that show was when this guy was going on an apoplectic rant and said "PEOPLE ARE SO GODDAMN SELECTIVE ABOUT WHAT THEY CONDEMN AND DEFEND!" It's not that funny by itself, but the level anger he was at while saying random nonsense like this was just pure gold. I guess you either condemn everything, or defend everything. Stop being so selective! Such is life.
No doubt, and it’s a tough spot. Im just saying a habit is a habit, and there are plenty of addict fuck-ups who would sell their own children for drugs. There is absolutely, positively no “rock bottom” in real life. You either fix yourself, or you choose the Scott Weiland method: hopelessness.
I opted for the guided tour for mine - Young Frankenstein first, then the original w/Boris K, followed by Dracula w/ Bela Lugosi. Can't go wrong w/ the classcs. Depends on the kid, of course. A great, great uncle of mine directed Lugosi in "Murder on the Rue Morgue". I had a movie poster of it in my office. Brought it home and the wife won't let me hang it in the huse, not even in my home office.
My favourite silver screen horror movie is a British horror film called Dead Of Night. It’s a chilling anthology film that had the original —and still best— “Evil Ventriloquist Dummy” story. Another earlier great is in colour, but Bava’s Kill Baby Kill is a must-see. It’s one of the most ripped-off horror films of all time, any movie with a “creepy ghost kid” stole from this movie’s Little Melissa and her toy ball bouncing down the stairs. The guy was a brilliant filmmaker, he could create horror from almost nothing.
Scotchcrotch, take Crown's and my advice: DO NOT trust this guy. I'll bet green money that he REALLY does want to shape up and be a part of his kid's life - until he sees how hard it really is. Then he's going to start thinking things like "Why am I working at this shitty job for $9 an hour (because we all know he's not going to get a good job with a history like that), when I could make some real cash slangin' dope?" And even if he is sincere, and even if he doesn't stray off the straight and narrow, he's got TWENTY FUCKING YEARS of probation. Do you know how many ways probation/ parole officers can fuck your shit up, even if you're doing what you're supposed to do? The whole probation system sets you up for failure; it's really an absolute fucking miracle that I got out of it. Between the fees (that are very prohibitive if you've got a shit job), the meetings (which are very prohibitive if you've got a shit job), the random drug tests that you MUST show up for soon or get a violation (which are very prohibitive if you've got a shit job), most guys I've known don't get out of it, unless they've only got a couple of years of probation. Usually, their PO fucks their shit up, and they end up doing the remainder of their sentence in jail/ prison. I don't know what to tell you about your stepkid, except to be ready to be there for him if his biological dad goes back. Hey, all this reminds me of a funny story about one of my parole officers, but I don't have time to write it down right now. Look forward to it soon. *Is it probation, or parole? Because they aren't the same thing. Parole is run by the state, when you get out of real prison. Probation is typically run by the county, and in my experience is much worse, oddly enough.
Shouldn't 'wildered have posted her tits by now? I mean, you know, started a new WDT with some awesome boobie pic like she does.
I've known felons who did serious time on drug charges that have pretty good jobs. I very much doubt it's the norm, but it does happen.
Sure, just ask Robert Downey Jr. That fucking guy used to be the butt of all “loser celebrity” jokes.
Sir, I must raise an objection. Are you speaking of our 'wildered? How dare you sir reduce her worth to the posting of mammary glands? HOW DARE YOU? Pistols at dawn.