As a Boston resident, I also cannot stand most of the fans. 3 World Series Championships in 10 years. Can we stop pretending we're underdogs now?
I'm not into sports and therefore don't watch them. I rely on the internet to bring me the most important bits.
So the Colorado Avalanche goalie, Semyon Varlamov, has been arrested for assault and 2nd degree kidnapping in a domestic incident. Pretty insane. I think the sad thing though, is if this happened in Russia it'd be viewed differently.
When was the last time you were in Boston? Barely anyone there still has a thick Boston accent anymore, like half the people are transplants with different accents and most of the long time residents with super thick accents are in places like Quincy and Dorchester.
I've been to Boston several times. The only time I recall a thick accent was once when we were walking through a Sears and I heard over the intercom an employee being called to the Lahn and Gahden section.
The boyfriend is a Sox fan. Even though he was born and raised in south Alabama. I don't get it either. Anyway, last night I made some remark about how it only took about 100 years for the Sox to win at Fenway and he went off the fucking deep end, told me to knock it off, so on. Evidently the inferiority complex extends to those born in the south and have never been to the city of Bahston.
Agreed. It's just a punch line now, nothing more. I have not heard a single person in my neighborhood with the accent. You might hear it once every two weeks from some retarded townie. Edit: Spelling hurr durr.
People in Massachusetts have the strongest East-coast accents out of them all, just my observation from zillions of sales calls. Maybe not Boston in particular but overall the state is noteworthy.
I feel like this is the case in most major cities that were at one point known to have a thick accent. When you start to get outside the cities to smaller towns, I notice the more prevalent accents. Although I will admit, nothing turns me on more than a girl with a filthy Brooklyn accent. When I was in New York City over the summer, I barely heard any New Yawk accents. As soon as I crossed that bridge back into Jersey and back to the smaller community, BOOM! Filth and unintelligence abound. But that might just be New Jersey.
Duh fahks duh mattah wid you? Yah nawat intestud in keepun yuh lahn ahp nice like? GO SAWX! Dat Mahky Mahk, he's gawt sam stupud movies, bud he is pretty wit id. (Christ, it's like reading an Irvine Welsh book.) It's Halloween. AMC is playing a shit ton of Christopher Lee movies all day, then tonight they switch to Vincent Price's Edgar Allen Poe movies. Awesome. I've been watching a ton of some old stuff on youtube. Changling with George C. Scott is a forgotten gem; amazeballs. The Mangler from Stephen King with Buffalo Bill and Freddie Kruger should not be awesome, but it is. The Sentinel from like 1977, the same. I'm going to drink beer and wonder if Roxanne will show us her costume this year. Starting now.
Come to New Orleans. I'm not kidding at all. There are sections of the city where if you close your eyes and just listen to people talk you'll swear you were in Brooklyn. It has something to do with the combination of Irish and Italian accents, apparently.
Ehh really? On chicks it sounds terrible. The accent is way more prevalent if you go the south shore near Cape Cod. Rhode Islanders have it too to an extent. But who cares, RI sucks.
I'm watching Night of the Living Dead right now and then setting up the rest of my yard, but god damn it's raining all day today. Gorgeous yesterday and tomorrow of course, but wretched, rainy and windy today. Proof that God hates children. I remember The Changeling being one of the most vividly eerie movies I've ever seen. Probably Canada's best horror film. That and Slither.
Honestly besides Rhode Island and parts northern Maine*, Massachusetts is the only state in New England that has an accent. Sure there are some minor nuances in CT, VT and NH but they're hardly noticeable enough to call them an accent. *Mostly Canadian influence.
The Boston accent is pretty awful on a girl, I think a bit in the movie Ted clears that up pretty definitively. However, the worst accent ever for a girl, is without a doubt, Scottish. A hot girl with a Scottish accent is a confusing thing, shes hot but the accent is so terrible its hard to tolerate.
Cosigned. I met a Scottish Girl in Shanghai and it was almost as unlistenable and confusing as the Pikies in the movie Snatch. She was cute but I couldn't understand more than three or four words she said.