Thanks man. It's a bit of a departure from my usual vehicle. Kind of funny...the original owner was some Hollywood celebrity hair stylist. I'm pretty much the exact polar opposite of a Hollywood celebrity hair stylist.
Yeah, I'm itching to buy a car myself... haven't had a "fun" ride in a while, so have been looking around. Found a couple of really nice options that I'll be pursuing over the next week or 2. My friend who runs the independent Porsche shop built out a Cayman track day car for a guy who realized that he can't really afford it, so I may be able to pick it up for a pretty good deal. All the body stiffness and handling of a Cayman, but with the power of a 911. We'll see how that goes.
I am always looking at a CTS-V, but i am so happy with the gas millage of my Civic. I have been dreaming about the V since they put the LSA in it.
Sometimes it's too easy to get dragged down by all the bullshit in the news... Sure glad there's stuff like this out there too:
Gee, those chutes opened a lot better than Mike Hughes' did. I mean, sure, they launched, docked and returned safely. But, did they even let us know if the earth is flat or not?!
Or you could get something more fun with half the wheels.... I sold my Streetfighter and I am now looking at a GSX-S, because way less maintenance and far friendlier to ride on terrible roads. Still salivating over a Brutale though....
I displaced a rib this weekend lifting up my tween daughter. She’s 100+ solid and I never had a problem lifting her in the past. Getting old sucks. It was extremely painful and hard to breathe until I had it popped back in. It shocked me as I regularly lift a lot more than that but deadweight can be unpredictable.
I’d love to hear what Chris Matthews did to need to be forced out. Because all sources reported it as weak pickup line at best.
Just be glad you don't have costochondritis like me. It's what you described, except as a chronic condition rather than an accident. The only thing that I've found that really keeps it at bay, beyond avoiding the specific movements which can trigger it (which is kinda impossible for me), is to really strengthen my chest, back, and core, which has taken years and I'm still not where I need to be. What happened to you has happened to me dozens of times over the years. Needless to say I have a very high pain tolerance.
My idiot neighbor that bought his 11 year old an iPhone 11 for Christmas is having his son’s bday at Top Golf. Now people spend their money as they see fit, but he complains every time I see him about how they’re struggling financially and are about to have their house foreclosed on. They short sold their old house and obviously haven’t learned a thing. He’s also made comments about me mowing my lawn because “mowing lawns are for teenagers”.
Jesus H. Christ, I've been waiting in the car for two hours while Jungle Julia waits in line to vote. For some odd reason, she didn't want to vote at the elementary school by our house with hardly anyone there; noooo, she HAD to vote at the local University because that's where she's always done it. Anyone else voting today?
This is very odd to me. In the state of Ohio you are assigned to a polling place based on the address tied to your registration. You can’t just vote wherever you want. How would they know what local things you can vote for?
People don't realize how just large Texas is. "Local" encompasses a massive area. Closest voting place to me is about 10 minutes away, but there's a good half dozen I can go to (at least) that are within my general area simply because it's so large. I can drive 2 hours without traffic on the highway and not even get out of the county. **edit: just looked it up. I was a little off in the half dozen estimate. There's actually 273 places I can vote in the democratic primary.
When I lived in AL they always mailed us a postcard that told us our voting location. Here, I can vote by mail which I take full advantage of.
Furthermore, the way AL has the system set up, all eligible voters for that voting location were on a physical printed list. There were multiple lines based on the first letter of your last name, you told them your name and they checked you off before giving you the ballot to go vote. I don't know how TX does their thing but their system must be way different from start to finish.