I've mentioned here before my love of Flor de cana rum. I've become more and more obsessed with it over time. I jump at any chance to mention how great it is. Every time I go to the ABC I think to myself that if anyone asks about it, I will tell them how wonderful it is. Which is, of course, ridiculous because such a conversation would never occur. Except that tonight there was a couple who happened to be standing right in front of it on the shelf with looks on their faces like they are not sure what to choose. Pokerfaced, I nonchalantly grabbed the bottle, and the dude said, "Oh do you like that?" or something. With effort I kept my religious fervor under control and laughed lightly, "Oh, I'm kind of addicted to it! It is really good with coke." Then I beat a hasty retreat, lest they think I'm some sort of weirdo. Sure enough as I turned to go, I saw him reach for a bottle. Another convert.
A couple guys took some old, archival war footage and remixed it with some pretty impressive CGI to give you what the Martian Wars could have looked like. Damn impressive, if you ask me. http://vimeo.com/107454954
Google brought me to this. Looks like History Channel is having some fun. Looks like more than "A couple of guys." http://www.history.co.uk/shows/the-great-martian-war
Pardon my blunder. Mya, may I instead recommend the up-armoured Mercedes-Benz Actros... Because no matter what - that mulch has to get there.
Exactly. Why would you not get a vehicle like that? Sure, you could get a Prius Hybrid, and I guess just hope that you'll never have to transport seven tons of mulch one day?? People are so stupid.
theres something beautiful about transporting decaying organic matter, while burning 200,000 times that with 700hp and 6 wheels.
The Australian Defence Force has used Unimogs for years up until the current replacement. They're not all that flash and if you stick any kind of decent load on them they overheat real quick.
Everyone knows Australia doesn't have a military. Also I had multiple pitchers of beer tonight and it cost me less than 20 American buck dollars so haha.
And to think, you helped the homeless. The bar probably paid the hobo out back a total of $1.32 for those pitchers of 'beer.'
Did anyone have the irresistible urge for a cigarette at about 8 last night and again at approximately 5:47.32 this morning? Just me? I'm good with that. Today is going to be a good day.
You are correct sir, I am definitely looking for a crossover size. The Grand Cherokee was my husbands addition. I have a 1920 house with a 1920 size single width driveway and 1920 size garage, so size is a huge factor. I drove the Murano yesterday and it fits, but just barely. I also drove the Rogue which is smaller, but I just don't think I can go back to 4 cylinder, although it would probably be a better purchase. So, while I am sure those military looking vehicles would be a fine option for me, unfortunately I am limited by my ability to park it.
Anyone else continuously blown away by Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown? It might be the best non-fiction show on TV right now.
Where I want to park it is in my garage. So without plowing down my porch or neighbors house, that isn't necessarily true.
He's one of the few celebrities in the world I would sell my mother for a chance to hang out with for a day.