Ok, youtube requires you to sign in to confirm your age because the content may be inappropriate for some users. Of course you don't have to sign in to see the thumbnail, which is just straight on bootyhole. Also this: "Disclaimer: Only for education purpose not for other purpose like sexual harassment or nudity." is just lazy even for fake-internet-lawyering.
The nice, but just because you call a show “The L-Word” and make it super-serious isn’t going to stop the rest of us from jerking to Mia Kirschner’s lesbian scenes.
I've read that book twice, and while definitely a worthwhile read, it is not "the best work of fiction ever written, PERIOD." No, that honor goes to "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy. EDIT: About Naked Yoga: there are a bunch of waxing videos on youtube if bush is your thing.
“Slowly close the gap between your hands and legs.” Oh THAT gap. I was laughing too hard to continue beyond that.
For more holiday entertainment, I cannot recommend season one of “Happy!” enough. Gruesome violence and coal-black comedy set to Christmas music just works here. Not to mention an amazing main character. So awesome.
It’s some reverse Japanese porn shit. I like the disclaimer “not intended for sexual gratification”. This can’t last, some busybodies will rage to YouTube about it or a bunch of non instathots, you’re average fat middle aged yoga people, will flood it with their disgusting wrinkles and pendulum swinging testicles because it’s being too sexualized now.
I agree, that show is awesome. I’m also glad Stabler is coming back to SVU and getting his own spin-off show. He’ll always be Chris Keller to me, though.
I fucked up, big time. Since the pandemic started, I've mostly stayed around the house drinking massive amounts of coffee. Went from about 10 ounces a day in the morning to basically not drinking anything else. I'm severely addicted to coffee and it is going to suck backing off. If coffee disappeared today, I'd probably die from the sudden lack of caffeine, it feels that serious. I've had about 24 ounces this morning and I'm feeling like I need another cup already.
Dude it sucks. You have to back off a half cup a day or less. My withdrawals had me with vision blurring migraines. I never knew what people even meant by migraines until I experienced it. I made it down to 1.5 cups a day and have let myself slip back to 3. My sleep hasn’t suffered but overall it’s probably better to drink less or none.
when I worked in the office I was drinking tons more coffee. We had nitro cold brew on tap. I’d drink 30-40 oz of it a day. Then I went home where I had to make my own coffee. Sometimes I forget to drink it and then get terrible confused about why I feel bad. Headaches, lack of focus, lethargy. Oh yeah. Go get the French Press out you idiot.
God help you when you discover how much caffeine you get in pre-workout powder or energy drinks. I have been there, and its hard on your gut and teeth. I have ramped down to a single 20 oz contigo mug with creamer a day. Half the time I don't finish that. But that first week of tapering off wasn't fun
We had a great grind-and-brew coffee machine in the office, so I used to have 3-4 mugs (12oz) per day, every day. Then I moved timezones and started working from home, so I didn't have much leisure time in the morning before I started working, and I trailed off my coffee consumption a lot - maybe 1-2 mugs per week. The other morning I was using up the last of a bag of coffee, so I made 6 or so cups of very strongly brewed coffee, and without thinking much about it, I drank almost all of it within a couple hours. Holy shit, what a mistake. My stomach hurt, I could see through walls, my hands looked like a Parkinson's patient, and a few hours later I had a massive headache.
I never acquired the taste for coffee because I came of age during the energy drink boom. They're objectively worse for you than coffee, but they also aren't available for free in the break room.