TiL door dash uses the time zone of the person who made the order, not where it was to be delivered. I found out the hard way so you don't have to.
There was a post at one time from HotWheelz that he announced he was no longer a virgin. Neither Tucker nor anyone else had anything to do with it.
He was never happier than when his nurse dosed him ALL the way up with weed butter. He was dealt a shit hand and did everything he could to fight for normalcy and progress. RIP.... Here is an article that captures some of his personality. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.co...d-raul-disabled-students-2016jun11-story.html
Fuck. I'm really glad he was a member of the board when he was. We were better for having him among us. I still tried to pay for him to have sex with a midget... but that's a whole other story.
Hope he thought about it longer than a regular hooker. He was so steadfast against it it blew my mind. No court in this land would have convicted him.
https://twitter.com/SomeonesAnIdiot/status/1367223111322583053?s=20 I don't know how to embed the Tweet or the video. But, if you need to get a giant bottle of jizz squirted on you at an NBA game, this is for you.
TiL Bob Dylan wrote All Along the Watchtower. How the hell did I not know this? I always thought the lyrics were a little advanced for Hendrix and just figured he'd gotten some really good shit that day. That Dylan wrote them makes perfect sense.
It also makes sense that great song writers write great songs. Like, it doesn't matter acoustic, electric, rearranged, etc, it's just a great song. U2's version is one of the most bland, but it's good, and I love Dave Matthews version. That Hendrix garbled the words so bad, and it stayed in the final version, makes it fun, too.
So Rudy Giuliani's daughter just published an article about her life as a unicorn. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2021/03/caroline-giuliani-on-three-way-sex-with-couples