reminds me of the white supremacist who went on tv and shoved a dildo up his ass to "prove he wasn't gay"
No fucking shit. He didn’t post a lot and was terminated quick for the objective reason of him being a gross and perverted attention-whore. Somebody posted a photo of him a couple years later and he looked like he ballooned to Jabba The Hut-proportions. Very fat. Very, VERY fat.
Peanut butter is surprisingly low-carb. This looked more like a steady diet of fried chicken, plastic-bottled dark liquor and pizza topped with pizza bagels. Like, BAD. Like Reddit would probably do a fail thread on his basement.
If it’s any consolation I would expect that he’s died by now. If not by obesity, than by autoerotic asphyxiation.
Am I the only one who thinks Steve Kornacki’s schtick is a little old? Election maps, yeah, okay. But every single thing does not need a big screen.
Had no idea who that dude is. He trying to do a medal predication, was writing illegible notes on the screen and getting all excited and I just fast forwarded through his bullshit.
Funniest part of the Olympics is Samsung handing out smart phones to every Olympic team... except North Korea.
I migrated here from RMMB but there was a period of time that I kind of forgot about this place. Might have been about a year, I don’t recall. And I seem to have missed a lot in that short span.
I just need everyone to know that just because you're in your mid- to late-30s that doesn't mean you're boring! Not at all. For instance, I'm spending my Friday evening knitting and watching Tucker and Dale vs Evil for the hundredth time. Your life is what you make it!
I was in my mid- to late-30s a lonnng time ago. It's only not boring if you're doing the knitting and watching while drinking and being topless. At least that's how I remember it.
You know what, Rush? I'm absolutely topless. I'd never not be topless if I'm living in your imagination! I've moved on to The Cabin in the Woods because that's what Peacock told me to watch after my last movie was over. I must say that my favorite movie stoner is and always will be Marty. I also enjoy a pre-Thor Chris Hemsworth but honestly he's nothing compared to Marty.
We're getting ready to head out to a local winery. Wifey has to work tomorrow so I got myself a DD. Have a great Friday idiots