When I was a kid One Step Beyond, Twilight Zone, and The Outer Limits were already in syndication and were always shown back to back to back. I found them frightening as hell, yet fascinating at the same time. Throw in deeply religious grandparents telling me all about demons and how they're just waiting to jump into you the moment you take your thoughts off God and I ended up deathly afraid of the dark until about 10 or so. Good times.
You’re not alone. That theme got under the skin of Gen-X. I had friends that would run from the room, just so they didn’t have to hear the opening music. Scared the shit out people, which was followed up by the equally terrifying Robert Stack making you squirm up into your corduroy couch:
Speaking of conspiracy theories and Jamiroquai . . . Didn't Soonergal post about going to that show? And, then she never posted on TiB again?! Coincidence?
It's sad to see American's dismiss the band because of their brief stint on the American charts in the late 90's. Great funk band, amazing live, oddball car nut lead singer. Sometime Europeans are more culturally aware than we are.