Can we have a membership drive? And, can all the new members be 18+ ladies who want to post pictures of their boobs? And, can all the existing TiBettes post in the Boobie thread to encourage them? kthxbai
I'm going to lump on to the club Nett and Rush have seemingly started. 55 in October. When you think of the timeline, from the original Tucker days and then on to this board, it isn't surprising that we are trending older. It has definitely been a minute.
I just did a search of my email and found my RMMB board signup in March 2007. Which means that, if anyone on RMMB had a toddler when they signed up, Rush just asked for her nudes.
Look, with reddit firmly in the shitter, all of those young women will need a new place to have gone wild; why not here?
Was it Ron White that said, "once you see one pair to titties . . . you pretty much want to see all of them" ? While that may be true, I am not going to ask to see any TiB member's daughter's boobs. I mean, not directly. I think that gets you guys in horny jail. A friend of mine was showing me something on his account and scrolling up on his Instagram, because apparently there is a "breast feeding" exemption on posting boobs and not violating the terms of service for showing naked boobs or whatever. And, so there is a thing where all these girls have links to their OnlyFans pages or whatever, so they're constantly pushing the envelope on content that's allowed. And, there were like girls in the feed where I was like, dude, keep scrolling, there is no way that girl is 18. So, like, no, definitely not. I revise my request to be +22 not +18.
Little surprised how much older. I figured most of the people who would have been into Tucker would have been college aged when his book came out. I remember I was on Spring Break in 06 when I came across the original TMMB. I’d have been 20 at that point. Maybe the book was bigger online but I had come across it word of mouth and my brother gave me his copy that had been passed around his frat house.
Sorry poor wording. I heard of Tucker and his book word of mouth. Seemed popular with people my age at the time and get how it would be given the subject matter.
There is an episode of The Office where Ryan is in the breakroom (I think) and he's reading a copy of "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell."
I think I found tmmb after some link on the biggest asshole in the universe website. Wait. Had to Google it. Ok, that's the Best Page in the Universe with that Maddox opinion blogger. So whatever year he threw up something that linked to Tucker Max, that was my intro year.