Yeah, just like the "service fee." Wasn't Biden supposed to be cracking down on this kind of bullshit?
Yep. I have used VRBO in the past. Last year, I went to my nephew's wedding, and used Air BnB instead. Same EXACT property was listed on both sites, but it was like $100 cheaper on Air BnB because VRBO just added in "fees."
I think we can avoid politics if there is any further discussion on this topic, cocaine found at the Whitehouse. This is nothing more than some guy checking off a bucket list item of doing blow in the WH. https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject....s://
"Hmm, if I have to store my phone and my Leatherman in here, I probably should leave the coke, too." I bet that dude that works in the kitchen does NOT get to bring his cousin back. It'd be awesome if the "test" was that somebody just snorted it.
to be fair, I’ve also found the opposite to be true where Airbnb added a $250 cleaning fee or something bonkers and VRBO ended up being way cheaper. They’re both kind of terrible, but I also don’t want to spend a comparable amount of money to stay at a midrange hotel without any way to make food or space to hang out. Am I somehow one of the youngest people here? I feel like 33 was old when I first started lurking around rmmb but I suppose that was a lot of years ago. I wonder if pictures of my 18/19 year old T&A are still floating around the internet somewhere. Would be funny (sad?) to do a side by side with my current mom boobs.
Spend the money on food and other necessities, then find a doctor ( or find one while preparing ) and say "Hey Doc, ya hungry? Have we got a deal for you!"
Can one of you younger folk explain Threads to me? I heard one person say it's better than IG because you can have an update with just words and it's better than Twitter because you can have more characters. Both of which you can do on FB.
Social media platforms are getting to be like Streamers. Market is saturated and too cumbersome to navigate all of them. Funny but also frustrating how different age ranges seem to have their preferred platform. Boomers are exclusively on Facebook, millennials split between that, Instagram and Twitter, the younger millennial girls I know are exclusively on Snapchat, gen z seem to all be on TikTok.
I have never won any lottery-type or prize contest in my life. Today I woke up to an email that I got accepted into the London Marathon. On my first try. There's around a 3% chance of getting accepted through the lottery system. Happy fucking birthday to me.
It took me three years to get a permit to hike Half Dome and that has a 30% chance of getting accepted.
a buddy of mine runs ultra marathons and he'd been trying to get into London for a decade. Finally went last year on a charity bid. Had to raise something like $20k (and the remainder between what he didn't raise and the total, he had to cover himself). He's more than a little jealous.
I have to put in for the hunt lottos this month. Hoping for a duck blind (you can only choose one lake) and some hunts. I signed up for 2 dozen last year between Ohio and Indiana and didn’t get a damn thing. My friend probably put in for a dozen more hunts and only got a blind because he signed his son up with a youth pass. He’s putting his twins in this year as well in the youth category. None of them count for anything the following years unlike some of the big game tag draws out west. I was peeved last week because my manager, who now handles our company’s official festivities, made the best dressed for the 4th ‘contest’ into a simple drawing instead of a vote. Me and a few others who went all out were disappointed to learn Anyone who wore a 2 dollar paper hat was entered for a 50 dollar gift card. Lame.
This is my third time having COVID and I can’t taste a fucking thing. First time this has happened. So odd.