That’s awesome! Some people deserve to have boats, others are just whiny asshole friends of those that do.
budweiser family had a house on the lake where we are. Years ago, one of their sons got very drunk, went out at night. Another boat was there without its lights on, because people are stupid. T-boned it at full speed, severely injuring a few people, and one person died. They hauled ass away and the dead person sunk, to be found much later. this was before Twitter and doxing people became cool, and they got so much harassment they had to sell their house. Lawsuits out the ass.
Once you get the entirety of that story, it’s the saddest thing you could possibly read. And one thing is for sure: this time, the asshole responsible for it all suffered GREATLY.
yeah I figured that wasn't quite WDT material but with enough details in there people could get the story. Thanks for linking to it though. I remember that weekend; the aftermath made the entire community sad. People on the lake are fucking idiots in general, but on those holiday weekends -- specifically the 4th, Labor Day, and Memorial Day -- all the real dumbasses who only put their boat in the water those days of the year come out. It's simply dangerous being on the water because of them during those periods now (as it was then), and for that reason we've stopped going out on those weekends. We'll stay at the house and swim by the docks, and people still get way too close to the dock and I still curse them out so thoroughly it'll make a sailor blush. I've had, on multiple occasions, people turn their boat around and want to fight me for yelling at them to back the fuck up. Well 1) you're the asshole who is driving full speed less than 50 feet from the dock (sometimes much, much closer) with my kids in the water and your kids on the boat watching you do that; 2) do you really wanna get your ass whopped in front of your kids? Slow the fuck down, remember boats don't have breaks, and back the hell up. I'm getting heated just thinking about it.
I was like that when I first got a boat. I'd get on the water at 10 and not leave til 6 or so. I'd have to stop for gas a second time at the marina. I'd get a burger at the marina, sometimes have to go back for dinner. I had a sober friend that was a good boat driver, I'd go weeks without driving my own boat, so I could drink. Did this on Saturday and Sunday. Now, it's evenings, an occasional morning. During the week, rarely a weekend thing. It's a more peaceful. The boy scouts have a gorgeous beach nearby, when they aren't there on the weekend it's full, absolutely packed with drunk people. Just not my kind of fun anymore.
the most hilarious part of videos like this is that the person taking the video thinks that they are being reasonable or that they are in the right somehow. I wish I could blame her bad attitude on a mental illness but I think she is just a run-of-the-mill entitled cunt.
Oh no... FF to the end-ish of the video... "don't do that or they'll just stick you back in the crazy place" "oh, no, that's OK, I like the crazy place".
Damn phone. I can't get it to play again so I'll have to take your word for it. All I can say is, Hope he didn't reproduce with her.
Nett, seeing your liquor order reminded me that I love the shit out of Rangpur and tonics in the hot hot summer time. Thanks man! As an unrelated aside, I am suuuuuuuuperrr relaxed for a Tuesday at 5pm.
Mental Health problems are never a pretty sight. I was impressed with the police for the most part keeping very calm. I am not sure I would have even engaged her as much as they did. which was not much
yeah I felt kinda bad watching that. That video is a good example of where cops are just out of their league training wise. They're law enforcement, not clinicians. They should have been there as backup, in case things got violent, and it should have been lead by someone with education and training in the mental health field. That being said, I bet she gives one hell of a blowie.
Using that five seconds of footage, half the members of this board could accurately depict exactly what goes on in that relationship. And what goes on is just plain fucking sad. For him it’s either this, or driving around in a BMW shooting people.
The police did perfect in that video because they refused to escalate, and that earns trust and respect from all who watch. Plus they probably had a profile given on her by her ex in advance before she arrived. Or they’ve been there before. Having a single cop guarding a man from his wife is one thing... but several? You’re talking about paddling upstream on the Double Standards River. That takes some real shit to happen. They had to know she has hair-trigger psychological issues. That guy in the house? He’s the scared store clerk in Fight Club. Tomorrow his breakfast will taste better than anyone else’s on earth. Because soon he gets to make his own decisions and life, and he doesn’t have to worry about getting lanced by a rusted ice hook in his sleep.