So, in solidarity with all the goings-on, I watched an interracial porn where a nurse gets gang-banged. #woke? That's the question no one seems to be asking the journalists anymore: what is the right porn for our times?
Interracial blow bangs. Trust me. Internet is back up. Totally forgot that the black power blow bang bukkake videos are done by a production company called dogfart networks. Just perfect. It's like mixing a refreshing paloma on a hot day with ruby red squirt.
@Kubla Kahn did you finally source some ruby red?! I'm sitting here full of Mexican food. So imho, Mexican themed taco porn should be today's special.
Nonono, my eyes. I take it all back. ''Mexican themed taco porn'' was just a bunch of taco platters and ''taco porn'' was just the worst. Scat tacos. Men force feeding tacos while railing ladies. Labias stretched to resemble tacos. Obese naked women eating tacos.
so, uhhhh, anyone else have protests/riots last night that left 2 people dead, and 1 cop shot? Just me? Cool.... also both the IA and IL sides of the river have a curfew from 9pm-5am. Guess who has to drive to Chicago tomorrow, and be on the road at 5 am. This guy.
Brother’s sister got an invitation for a “virtual baby shower.” Included in the invitation were decorations with the baby’s name they’re supposed to use in the background of their house for the zoom call. I suggested she switch her background to an empty screen shot from “casting couch” and watch all the husbands awkwardly squirm. No one got the joke except for my brother, and my step father who almost died of laughter. there’s now a solid chance they do it
Several years ago, my roof in Omaha was damaged by a storm in June. USAA (insurance) assessed the damage within a day or two, however due to widespread damage in the region creating a backlog, my roof wasn't repaired until October.
Was the holdup on the insurance side or on the repair side? I had a third-party estimator from the insurance company out yesterday and have a second roof contractor coming to look at it tonight. The fence is going to take longer, there is a big company that does fencing here that I want to use and they are backed out a couple weeks on estimates. The estimator said to contact him if we don't hear back from insurance by next week. So I am optimistic.
time for your daily laugh: the high voltage raccoon cannon story This has me wanting to build one myself, but I dont fuck with electricity
on cue my mailbox just got spammed today with a bunch of roof and window repair fliers. A few days ago we had two tornadoes pass within a few miles of us.
Did I miss what the source of combustion was? Pure electricity doesn’t launch a trash panda down the street.
This was the relevant quote. Looks like he's either leaving something out, or making it up. I'm picturing a spud gun kinda setup with some form of combustion. If it was a simple compressed air on a sensor you'd think he would mention that, and if it was the electric arc igniting a flammable source to create combustion and propel the critter that would be relevant as well.
Yeah. What blast? The immediate vapourization of liquid brains and blood? I’m pretty fucking skeptical. I would think that the temp and pressure to cause that would totally fuck up the plastic pipe he was using.