That crazy chick that sold bath water on the internet a year ago came back with a bizarre music video. Something tells me she’s really a brilliant performance artist. Girl is thicc.
There is a girl on only fans that does porno shows with that schtick. Efuckt had a clip about it recently. Fucking weeboo people are nuts.
Being a hot chick with no talent will still definitely bring in attention and dollary-doos if you can market it any way. But it doesn’t last. Eventually you end up like Rose McGowan and people are telling you how they loved your Oscar-winning role in “Philadelphia”.
I don’t know rose mcgowan had a fappening leak of her getting banged out. Cumshots and all. I enjoyed. Still fappable these days.
Our female Basset got stung on the eye by something so now she has to wear a satellite dish until Saturday. But because they’re such thick-necks she has to wear a giant dog’s size and her legs are five inches long. She is just miserable. Our smaller emergency-backup hound senses this, because he won’t even try to play with her or steal her food.
Anyone else's Youtube algorithm recommending women's track and field highlights lately? I'm not complaining or anything...