Now find a way to tie it into Bill Gates inserting a microchip into you via a vaccine and you can start your own cult. Money for nothing and your chicks for free.
They've disarmed Elmer Fudd. They blow him up multiple times, but by God at least he isn't carrying a gun.
A helicopter flying low over the neighborhood usually doesn’t mean anything good. Last night it meant a medevac flight to a regional hospital for a neighbor. Who was run over by a boat trailer. With a boat on it. And this during a family domestic dispute, that didn’t actually involve the husband. Said husband is a sketchy dude who belongs to a motorcycle “club”. We’re all speculating on how long the driver of the vehicle will remain with all of his limbs attached once released.
There are some words that just look fucked when you write them out. Some even really common ones....they just look spelled wrong or something. Feel. feel. feel. Feel. Just look at that word. What is that shit?
Ha! Jokes on you, I didn't shit myself during birth (probably due to no food in 2 days during induction process) and have had normal shits afterwards. Well, except that one after I delivered, when 2 meds they were giving me synergistically caused me to shit myself uncontrollably. But other than that! Winning!
for the past 3 months I've basically been stuck at the house with nothing to do except work, eat, workout and sleep. I got bored fast with my cheap-o adjustable weights so I started doing what I affectionately referred to as my "redneck workouts," consisting of things like tossing old ATV tires and logs, doing squats and lunges while holding large rocks, and beating on stumps with a baseball bat. Over the course of 3 months my tiny ass went from a 100 lbs max on the bench, to today back at the gym I did 10 reps x 3 sets at 200 lbs. Thinking maybe I was onto something just with those redneck workouts?
congrats! By pooping yourself during labor, you just helped your baby's microbiome. See what happens is when babies and fecal matter arrive at the same time, bacteria from the bother gets transferred to the baby via their anus. This, in turn, helps with the baby's natural microbiome, and is so beneficial in fact that babies who are born via c-section are given probiotics in order to achieve the same benefit. Sure, it might be gross and embarrassing, but so is childbirth. So congrats on shitting yourself! You did a good thing.
wait, what? Your bench max was 100lbs? I did 95lbs (2 25's and the bar when I was 13 and weighed 115lbs) That's not bragging, I was skinny and weak as shit