Should I be proud that I soon as I read the first few lines I knew exactly what he was talking about. I probably read that book 10 years ago. Some things stick with you.
I just got back from a dog walk with a friend. She just got her boobs done so has physical restrictions and can't handle her dog (some sort of 70 lb pit/boxer mix that is massively strong) so I took her dog while she took my 50 lb aussie who is better behaved on a leash. We were walking around a pond and she was saying her dog barks at the ducks but is terrified of the water, my response is that I bet mine would jump in if you let him get close enough. Within 30 seconds she let him get close enough and yep, he jumped in, and of course couldn't get out due to the wall surrounding it. So my morning has consisted of a doggie sea rescue.Glad I don't have a mastiff or he'd still be in there doggy paddling.
Please, Joe: I could do way better than Revengeofthenerds. You insult me. While we're on the subject, though, even when I was a kid, I always had a feeling Bill Cosby was up to no good (and I'm not even talking about that godawful TV show. Any of them), and he seemed like someone you would never want to leave alone with kids. I always figured that someone that much of a goody-two-shoes has got to be up to something.
Has anyone watched "Amy"? I'm a fan and it sounds interesting. But not interesting enough to see in the theater
I just added all the details about the TiB Fantasy Football leagues this year on the sports board. It is open to all TiB members and there are some fun things happening with the league this year. Come sign up!
Good Lord. Police: Memphis men drove 150 miles to steal $70k worth of toilet paper
I see you that shitty situation and raise you, The most Oklahoma thing I ever done seent: OK Governor's daughter living in a trailer connected to the governor's mansion. I'd quote more of the story, but that's all there is really. NEWS.
Speaking of news, you wouldn't believe the fucking insecurities flowing from NFL fans in social media because *gasp* the Cardinals hired a...a....WOMAN as a defensive coach. Burn the witch. I look forward to the day where a woman getting a job she worked hard to earn isn't news.
The Spurs hired Becky Hammon last year. She was the first female coach in the NBA. This summer she became the first female head coach of a summer league team for the Spurs in Las Vegas. They won the SL championship (which is worth zero points). As a Spurs fan, I am proud of the whole breaking barriers thing, but what I really like is that the press -- and players -- have largely focused on her abilities as a coach, with the gender thing as a side bar. On an unrelated note, remember that protected lion that was illegally killed in Zimbabwe? The hunter is American, and his name was leaked. Turns out he is a dentist, who (at least for the time being) runs his own practice. His Yelp! reviews are awesome.
Today I interviewed for a job I don't even want. I think I've finally hit the point where 16-year-old me would be more upset with me than I am with him.
Meanwhile, in Canada... Being topless in public is legal, B.C. woman reminds others after police encounter
The wife is currently asleep, snoring loudly, with her face mere inches from my butthole. And I am googling "how to make yourself fart"on my phone. Anything to stop the snoring. I'm surprised by how many different techniques there are.