Last summer I blew through the entire show, a large portion of it while I was in bed with a hurt neck and on muscle relaxers. It's still funny today.
I agree, I still watch it from time to time, one of the few tv shows I have on DVD. Just waxed the wife's new ride twice and now I can't raise my arms, fuck me.
I legitimately cannot tell if you are talking about cars or vaginas. PS google text correct suggests that instead of "Vaginas," I use "Vaginae."
This is my ass and I have actually no recollection of doing anything to warrant such a large and painful bruise. What happened TiB? NSFW edited to add.....I wasn't drunk enough to not remember stuff, I didn't participate in any scooter type sex activities. I am truly baffled.
He (single he), and nope, there was nothing like that going on. Boring weekend as far as all that goes. Unless I live a secret life and one of my alter egos had a little more fun. I'm with bewildered....I bet I have a clotting disorder.
While it's possible there might be a day soon when the concept of losing one's car in a parking garage will become obsolete, I doubt people will ever not be enraged when someone double dips their chips. Here's a spinoff question: what is an example of a TV show that doesn't stand the test of time? I tried to think of one, but I'm blanking.
You would have to get walloped for something that dark and concentrated. Like falling on a fencepost, or taking a full-on line drive. Or punched really hard. Either that, or you got bit/stung by something. Can't hurt getting it checked out if you don't know.
I was bored at Trader Joe's so I was listening to this American Life and they were talking about a Thought Catalog piece about that.
Yes, it was a direct blow, and it hurts (waaah waaah waaah) but nothing to be done about it. Just confuses me that I have no recollection....and I have a lot of padding back there.
Well this is the drunk thread..... Sober answer is you probably do have some kind of clotting issue. My wife had a bruise that looked almost IDENTICAL to that one time. Everyone, including her asshole (and, unrelated but relevant) highly conservative family, thought it was because I either abused her and/or had "dangerous" sex with her. Nope. Real answer was she got it because she ran in socks, turned a corner too sharp, and fell ass-first on the wood floor..... That she was running at a full sprint, and screaming at the top of her lungs, because I was chasing her with a live bullfrog and videotaping the whole thing, is neither here nor there.