I don't know, but it will probably only take one cup to shake loose the booze and drunk food before you have to duck walk to the bathroom and create a Superfund site in there.
So, tomorrow I'm finally getting my eyes fixed. I've waited years to do this and I finally decided I'm not waiting anymore and pulled the trigger. I'm having PRK done instead of the more common Lasik, so there is going to be more discomfort and a longer recovery time, but I won't have to worry about a flap in my eye opening up when I'm doing crazy shit like skydiving or fighting. I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve. Anyone else had this procedure done?
I binged it too. Like I said in the TV thread it has the exact same comic stylings as Weeds but hasn't gone totally off the wall yet. I do think how they punctuate the comedy with each prisoners background drama is great. You do get to see Taylor Schillings titties a couple of times.
Weeds season 1 to 3 really had something. It was something that wasn't broken, didn't need fixing but they changed it anyway. That show ended with the neighbourhood burning down to me.
Either this is a really good show or Netflix has some sort of pod person guerilla marketing campaign going on. "Mother? Is that really you, Mother?" "Of course dear, I'm just watching Orange is the New Black. You should, too." I do plan to get around to watching it. Per my usual MO, I'll wait until everyone else has watched it and moved onto something else to be excited about. Then I'll watch it and want to talk about it, but they're all over it by then.
I went running and tripped on the uneven sidewalk and fell pretty hard somehow hitting my hand, elbow and hip on one side and knee on the other. So, now I'll have bruises in all of those places to match the one on my ass. Perfect.
I was holding off on this show. Now I know there is lesbian action and Donna's tits. I'm booting it up tonight.
Well damn, all those people trying to convince me to watch the show could have just said this and saved some breath. I may be a hetero female, but I'm not made of stone.
God damnit I should have known surfing the net while watching TV would lead to missing some awesome shit like that.
I enjoyed Orange too. I don't really think it's a comedy, or even a combined comedy-drama, it's pretty firmly a drama to me, just kind of quirky. Like a much less savage female version of Oz. Which is funny considering one of the characters specifically says the prison is not like Oz in the first episode. But the use of flashbacks, the shitty things going on, etc seem very Oz like to me, but usually with less horrible outcomes and not in a maximum security prison. But I'd definitely recommend the show. Btw, am I the only person who thinks they abso-fucking-lutely made an American Pie reference in the first episode when talking about a couple of incidents in Larry's (Jason Biggs) past? I think they even say something like "The masturbation incident and the one with the pubic hair."
I would absolutely sleep with both of them in a heartbeat (and god willing at the same time), but I gotta say as an avid That 70's Show watcher once upon a time I was expecting more from Donna's tits.
Just finished season three of Game of Thrones. I want everyone that is not The Mother of Dragons or on her side to die a rather horrible death. Actually that's not true. I'm ok with the Starks, the Imp, and the onion knight. Fuck the rest of them.
Yes I did. I was at a meeting yesterday and there was this woman there that would not shut the fuck up. All she did was drag out the meeting. It was like she was at lunch with the instructor and having a one on one conversation with him. YOU DO NOT KNOW OR HAVE TO COMMENT ON FUCKING EVERYTHING. Oh and cut that rats nest you call a hair do. That shit was down past her ass and she was in her 50's. There's one at every meeting I swear to god.
Bring on the red dots but I couldn't get into that show. I was on the last disc of the first season, fell asleep half way through the last episode and the DVD sat in the player for 3 weeks before I came to the conclusion I didn't care if I watched the rest of it or not.
I guess we can look forward to some "mysterious" new board member with no avatar that will be posting videos in the drunk thread and falsely thinking female board members are into him. However, Isn't the point of keeping your idiot friend still in the group so his idiocy can entertain the rest of you? Its like how when you were a kid you used to pay your neighbourhood retard a dollar to run full-speed into a wall. Sure, sometimes you have to go upside their head but you wouldn't have as much laughs if he wasn't there to do something dumb.