No, it's definitely a catchy song, it's just that the video (the first one I saw that didn't have tits) was so annoying that it tainted it. After about the third time that #THICKE flashed across the screen I was ready to slap everyone in the video. I did enjoy the parody that prompted me to see it:
My housemate heard one of the lyrics in that song as "I just sucked a dick" and now every time I hear that song that's what it sounds like.
In my experience, it's best to not ask questions. When I've asked moderators questions, they usually respond with one of these responses: A) "Don't ask questions. Everything is under control." B) "Fuck off and don't bother me again, or I'll ban you." C) Silence. I don't know what to tell you, Danger Boy, but I will say that I'm posting this video in memory of our lost brother, Nitwit. If you don't like it, scroll over it. It's a great duet with Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings. Spoiler EDIT: I didn't want to get off-topic! Here ya go: Spoiler
I thought Danger Boy asked a few good questions, I repped him but I'll say it here, seems like whenever these questions are asked they are summarily ignored. I get that shit happens and people move on but if and when that happens then people need to be moved up into the positions that are open. I don't have any issue with the active Mods around here but it seems like this place would benefit from a few more new Mods or get some of the old ones to come out of hiding. Blue Dog pops his head up for a day then disappears into Coonass land, Scootah is MIA for awhile now and I think everyone can agree this place needs more Scootah.
Since we are posting nude music vidoes here is my contribution http://uncensored-music-videos-sear...w-do-you-want-it.html?m=1&zx=9083a3c35b3136c1
Dude, if you think people are short with you simply because you ask questions, I really don't know what to tell you.
I'm pretty sure you're just trying to be funny, but since it's been mentioned several times and some folks aren't getting it, I'll clarify from my pov. Nitwit didn't get banned because he posted music videos or that he posted music videos in the WDT. Look around: lots of members here do that from time to time, often related to the current topic theme running along in the WDT, and none of them (us) got banned for it. Nitshit got banned because he was exhibiting repeated annoying behavior - some of his video posts were part of that - was asked to back off from that, but didn't. Folks here, including mods, said, "Hey, dude, cut it out. You're acting like a dick and it's rubbing people the wrong way." He continued. He was warned again. He continued. He got banned. Children test their parent's boundaries all the time. If the parents don't do anything, the kids turn out like shitty spoiled brats. Mom (SheGirl) decided to do something about it. The end.
Just posting this in here for those who care. Fantasy Football league is open in the sports thread. Anyone want to join up for the TiB league, head on over.
Apparently this is a disease that exists: I dealt with a week of sleep deprivation last December and that was pretty much the worst week of my life. If I was ever diagnosted with this I'd eat a bullet. I honestly cannot think of a more horrible disease to suffer from.
So is scrotal lymphedema. NSFW Whenever you think you have it bad be happy you don't have a 132 pound scrotum.
What I took away from today's staff meeting on the subject of workplace harassment and bullying: People need to buck the fuck up.