Least you guys see Hurricanes coming. IA/IL got a Derecho(straight-wind) storm last Monday. Winds topped out at 140mph over Cedar Rapids, IA, and they got 15 minutes of warning. Apparently the corn-damage can be seen from space.
Dude, NO ONE is talking about this. Cedar Rapids has 90% of it's power lines that are structurally compromised. They need the National Guard in there, if for nothing else, but tree-limb removal. Line-men from 15-20 states have came in, and the projections are still weeks out on when power is restored around there.
it’s because all the media is talking about is the election. Those storms devastated large swaths of the country, and would be global news at any time other than 2020. Any other year, that would be our country’s worst natural disaster of the year. However, it’s 2020, which apparently also means it’s Armageddon
just wait. IA is reporting up to 30-40% of this year's corn(which was almost concerningly late getting into the ground due to Covid) is now fallen, and will probably need to be harvested a full 6 weeks early. That 6 weeks is pretty much the difference between a break-even year for most small/mid-size farmers, and a loss year. John Deere just reported a sales-loss for Q2 of almost a Billion dollars. Anyone that thought about buying new equipment has either canceled their order, or pushed it into 2021. The ramifications to both food/fuel/ AG industry is gonna ripple through the Midwest and affect tons of areas.
Easily the most Iowa thing ever posted on this board. It might be a good idea to erect some buildings taller than 2 stories out there. To break the wind, if nothing else. Edit: I’m not sure what news sources you folks tap into but this has indeed made the news nationally.
It's difficult for me to believe that two lows coming that close together won't eliminate any higher pressure separating them and combine for something seriously devastating. We'll see, glad I live in Virginia for this one, but it might flood our lake over the dam, it's already been within a few feet this year. Any rain that falls north and west of us comes through our lake and can raise the water up to 20' before it spills over the dam. Good luck, @Revengeofthenerds , @xrayvision , @downndirty , @dixiebandit69 and anyone else here that this may impact.
I am in PR for prep. Likely heading to the Gulf when/if these post a serious threat. Also the fires in CA are out of control, as Gov. Newsome just requested federal help. Yall got any spare sleep I can get? Correct me if i am wrong, but two storms combining is kind of once in a lifetime, right?
I feel like if the potential for some perfect storm scenario were to formulate, they might have mentioned it. The storm looking most likely to hit Texas hasn’t even really formed yet. So there’s a lot of unknown at the moment. Whatever it is, as long as it keeps moving and doesn’t park itself right over us for 3 days like Harvey, we will be just fine. On a different note, I pulled the trigger on a Martin D-28 yesterday. I’m picking it up today after the set up is complete. It still hasn’t really hit me yet that I got an expensive big boy guitar, but I’m really excited.
If you zoom in on that picture, you'll see where the I-10 splits right above the "ew" in New Orleans. I'm very close to the interstate, between that split and where the lines intersect for the "cones of uncertainty." So, I guess that's it's a good thing we had already planned on taking my boat out to run it around for a little bit. Hopefully this doesn't turn into a repeat of 2016. Hopefully the boat runs well and I can enjoy a beverage or two later. Happy Friday, fellow idiots.
Well today is our 10 year anniversary, we have been together for almost 14 years now. We have 2 kids 4 and 7, i am turning 37 this year. Where the fuck does the time go.
In a world of insane screwed-up former childhood actors, isn’t it kind of funny that the two who turned out the most normal and likeable (in real life) are the two kids who grew up in the set of “Married With Children”?
Hell yeah brother! How much did it cost you? What’s their tag price these days, $2459 or something like that? I recommend those Planet Waves gel-pack humidifiers, if you don’t have any yet.
His only issue ever seemed to be not becoming as famous as her. But he’s widely-known for being very kind and easy to work with. And he’s still rich because he does voice acting, which is big, easy money. Guys like Patrick Warburton have earned a surprisingly large fortune from that kind of work, and he has only one unique voice.
So the tag price on the D-28 is about $2900. I traded out my Mexican tele because I really just don’t play electric very often. Probably a total of 5 times in the last 3-4 years. That plus a small discount got me to about $2500 OTD. Martins website has a ridiculous MSRP of $3600.