Or you guy do it like this guy. *Technically* he "fists" her at one point. <a class="postlink" href="http://t.hardsextube.com/video/44373/NOW-IM-IN-YOUR-rear%20end-YEAAAAHHH" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://t.hardsextube.com/video/44373/NO ... -YEAAAAHHH</a> Absolutely not safe for work.
I remember when I was wasted once I tried to do the three finger duck, needless to say she wasn't a fan of my new technique.
You know when you're old? When that "Come and Get It" song hits #1 on Billboard and you get mad. That is some of the most auto tuned, brainless shit I've heard in a long time. Even worse than Soulja Boy which began my crusade against the downfall of music. Get off my lawn.
This perfectly encapsulates children. You all keep on having your wonderful experiences. I'll be over here with no blinding crotch trauma.
How does fisting happen? Well, when a boy and a girl like each other very much, the boy touches the girl in a very special way. Then, when she's enjoying that, he thinks "you know, using just one finger isn't that big, I'm sure she'd much prefer two fingers, and it would be more ergonomically comfortable for me as well". If the girl is the least bit comfortable with both herself and the boy in question, she'll say she likes it and perhaps a third finger could be added. I'm sure you see where this is going. I was able to get up to the knuckles. I have rather large hands, though. I wouldn't say I'm particularly fascinated by it, but I will do pretty much anything if it garners a positive reaction from my partner.
I am pro fisting. It feels nice. Like a rainbow of happy coming from my vagina. Kid pressure is alleviated when the examples of the kids I'm supposed to want oh-so-bad all throw tantrums and spontaneously puke on their parents during their parents' pitch to the fiance and I. Y'know what makes me want to not have babies? Watching your baby go exorcist-style and vomit up your nose.
The fact a Selena Gomez song is #1 is just prepubescents getting their moment in the sun for a week or two. You won't hear this song requested, I sure as hell wont make it a part of a set list. It's just one moronic music demographic getting a bump. This is the same reason a band as shitty as Steely Dan still wins Grammys. I agree with you that Crunk bullshit rap is definitely where is started to come apart. It's when people finally started shunning the most talented for whoever could be the loudest, brightest clown. And now we have Brokencyde and hardcore dancing. If you can watch this without laughing, you're better than me: INVISIBLE ENEMIES!!!! INVISIBLE ENEMIES EVERYWHERE!!!!!!
Conversation with my friend the other day: "Are you and [girlfriend] gonna have a marriage? I can't imagine you two in a house with kids." "Well, it's even harder to imagine because neither of us want kids." "Wow, that's convenient for you! Until one of you changes your mind." "What about people who do want kids and then one of them changes their mind?" "Yeah, but that's not usually until after you have kids." I feel as though this is a sign that I've become an adult, I'm having conversations with my friends about children and they're refusing to take seriously the idea that people might actually not want to have kids. Oh, it was just a few short years ago when me and him used to create elaborate sex jokes involving g protein coupled receptors, and giggle immaturely at "protonation" in organic chemistry. Now look at us.
My aunt just asked me to place an ad for a lost cat and offer a $50 reward. She thinks that's what I'm doing as I type this. My aunt doesn't have a cat. She's never had a cat. She doesn't even like cats. So if you see a lost cat, let me know. Thanks.
Chatting with support representatives is roughly the same experience as getting a waxed asshole. Sure, you'll look like a pornstar, but you're still getting hot wax poured all over your shitcutter and having hair ripped out of it.
I love this sentence. And as someone who has fisted someone once (ecstasy is a hell of a drug) and has no inclination to do it again, I'm still jealous of Angel's sex life. That said, I'm trying really hard not to associate rainbows with fisting as I fear it will permanently alter my relationship with The Jimi Hendrix Experience's Bold As Love. So, uhhh...
The Idiot Board: where intelligent discourse rainbow fists assholes until booby pictures are forcibly barfed from your nose and mouth. Sooo....get to it Angel.
If you don't want kids, that is your prerogative. Yay you for figuring it out now instead of after having one. However, there are a lot of people who want a family and everything that comes with it. Families are enriching. I know it is hard when the kids are young and pooping everywhere, but in the future, I want to spend my free time and money on my children who will grow up to be happy individuals. I don't have kids now, but I do have 8 with one on the way nieces and nephews, so I have lots of first hand experience with all the shit that goes into making sure your kids are raised properly, and it can be exhausting sometimes. My parents, siblings, and their children are awesome, intelligent, kind people and I love spending time with them. We have group emails and are talking constantly, daily. We spend as much time together and enjoy the hell out of it. In a bigger way, it's sort of along the lines of why people get dogs or cats. They enjoy having them despite the fact that you have to clean up after their poop, pee, and hair, take them to the vet, and then watch them die long before you ever will. They make your life better in a lot of ways. edit: second thoughts there bud?