Cowbell: not hyperboyle. That one I like. This one is a fancy-looking woman whose word bubbles fill the entire photo annoyingly. Someone posted it on here before. It's worse than Hitler.
Yikes, I hope not. Pretentious is not at all a word I would use to describe her. I'd never heard of A Softer World and just checked out about 15 of the latest entries. Um...okay.
I can't recall if it's been posted here before or not. Law school professor explaining that you should never talk to the police.
Another great one: But yes, I find it to be hit or miss, especially since it isn't always trying to be funny.
Topical and most definitely too soon. That was the second comic that came up when I hit 'Random Comic'.
Ew, what a jumble of letters. I couldn't bring myself to read that mess so I have no idea if it is worse than Six Chicks. That one is a newspaper strip, so I don't know if it counts in this discussion.
Six Chix is laughless. Utterly laughless. It doesn't even try. I've found funnier comics inside a Bazooka Joe.
Christ its already the first full week in August and I have taken exactly 0 cottage days this summer. At least Ill see my brother and sister for a little family cottage on Labor Day But if thats it, it kind of sucks. And PBF is awesome, but nothing will ever beat the Far Side.
If you think Calvin and Hobbes is better than The Far Side you're smoking bath salts. It's like saying Finding Nemo is better than Apocalypse Now.
You could argue that C&H was extremely complex as far as the issues it tackled and the stories it wrote. I had forgotten who it was on the board who had terrible taste, but now I remember.