Leave it to Hollywood to find one of the whitest "non-white" guys I have ever seen in my life. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/ABC-names-first-white-bachelor-599366
I swear somehow Discovery Channel, who now produces the lamest of lame "reality" television, has managed to pull off a yearly social media campaign that is basically unrivaled by anything in media. My facebook feed is filled with people droning on and on about it, shark cat videos trend, news reports, etc. I've never been a huge fan of shark week myself, maybe they've produced more shows with new footage but I remember when I have watched it in the past they just replayed all the same stuff. Me, I'd like to see a Big Cat week. I could watch endless hours of lions fucking up water buffalo and zebras. Nat Geo does one but like Shark Week in the past it has a lot of old reruns. They've also pussified the footage too. One of the almost coolest segments I saw recently of a pack of lions trying to take down a giraffe. The footage would have been awesome except they edited it into a CSI break down of the video and CUT AROUND the kill shot. A couple seconds of it was played at the end of the show as like outtake footage.
Racist. WHO would mistake that mocha ethnic as a white person? ...everybody on the planet, that's who. That guy is whiter than a nuclear bomb flash, I don't care where he's from. And I too am not big on Shark Week. Come up with Albatross Week and you have my attention.
That guy is Venezuelan. There's a good chance hes half European. In other news, at my new job, they are starting a brand new orthopaedic surgeon who brought his own nurse with him from Virginia. I believe he made bringing her here a condition of employment. So you can imagine how that made her head inflate like a fucking hot air balloon. Basically telling her that not a single nurse in a city of 4 million can do what she does. She came in here yesterday and started rearranging all the rooms and giving orders to the medical Assistants before she even started her job and questioned every decision they made. I feel it was more about making a statement and marking territory than her having real shit to say. So when I got in this morning, the shit talking was going in full force. This will become very Entertaining very quickly. The new people don't actually start until next week. But they don't realize that they pissed off an office of 5 Latina women.
Hey look here fucker! Just because you're half creme half coffee, doesn't mean your're not a minority! I'VE GOT A RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED MY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN...oh what's that? You weren't talking about me? Carry on then.
Ugh, guess I'm not watching the Bachelor anymore. I want to see wholesome fun, not some Wesley Snipes-looking motherfucker shooting basketballs and guns.
Exactly isn't there anywhere on tv where we can watch rich white people falk in fake love without the influence of the minority agenda? I mean seriously I'm getting to my breaking point. If black people take over sports I'm done with TV.
I am actively against shark week because they seem to play nothing but SHARKS WILL FUCKING EAT EVERYONE YOU LOVE AND EAT EVERYTHING YOU OWN shows, with the occasional meek marine biologist chiming in with a "hey, guys, they don't...hey guys, listen, they don't eat people that is then overshadowed by the dramatic reenactment of some surfer douche getting eaten.
Hey, you let tv be. White folks have our reality shows and our womens have their "stories" You african folks have your BETs and Sports people. Mexicans have their telemundo and bumblebee guy. Asians? They have math homework to do.
Aren't sharks usually scared of humans, and attacks usually happen because a shark thinks they're some other sort of prey?
Is that JJ Barea? As for what iczorro posted, that's some graduate level pearl clutching. It's fucking Shark Week. Its as sensational as it gets. Nowhere in that special did they make it seem like Megladon was still cruising around the ocean, sinking boats. People love any reason to get outraged.
Shark Week is for pussies. Kidnapper Week is where it's at, after all, statistically speaking, you're far more likely to be kidnapped than eaten by a shark. Or maybe Sharks Who Kidnap People Week? Too soon?
You know why Shark Week's ratings are so high? Because we've got so many fucking lawyers in this country, that's why.
Oh I figured it was because of something something, tie into a woman's menstral cycle, something something, PUNCHLINE!