It's Van HALEN, not Van Hagar. This is not up for debate. I was born in 1989 so I missed out on the Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go shit but Metallica also started in that decade so I guess it evens out. Thanks to my sisters, this the first song I can remember hearing on the radio: Spoiler
I'm sorry Crown Royal, but did you see the second video I posted in the thread up above? You can't top that. Nobody can top that.
Don't challenge the maestro. Thunder: Spoiler Lightning: Spoiler And finally, the perfect storm. Frank as always gets credit for this, but I cannot explain it other than it is THE greatest music video that ever was, is and will be. It is divine intervention and nothing short of that. The most action-packed action movie ever actionated: Spoiler
Some of Metal's finest work was in the 1980s. Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax - the four great thrash metal bands were all formed in the 1980s. Also, there's Pantera, too, and probably others I've mentioned in reps and forgotten about. Also, I have a soft spot for hair metal like Mötley Crüe and Poison. Guns N' Roses was also formed in the 1980s - yes, Axl is a fucking lunatic but they made some good tunes. And, of course, this song came out of the 1980s too. Only from the best-selling rock album in history. EDIT: Yes, I realise the band was formed in the 1970's, this song (and the Back In Black album) came out in 1980 so fuck off.
Sorry, but no dice. The problem is that I can't tell if the first two are straight-faced, while the third, while totally ridiculous, seems at least partially aware of its ridiculousness and ran with it. On the other hand, the "Night at the Outpost" video is clearly intentionally serious, which is what makes it so amazing.
Trakes, Let me tell you about the Life At The Outpost video. The band is NOT who appears on the video. The actual group, The Skatt Bros., are from right around where I live. They were signed with Casablanca Records, who run out of Australia. The record company wanted a video but couldn't find the band, so they just went ahead, hired some Aussie dudes and shot a video anyway. I originally saw it in the "So Bad It's Awesome" thread and had to find out about it because of its sheer awesomeness. The more you know. And the Chris Dane Owens video? Not satire if you can believe it.
Spoiler Jesus, we're doing 80s music videos and no one has posted Separate Ways? It has AIR KEYBOARDING. And the look Steve Perry gives you 45 seconds in... pure sex.
I find it funny that we're having a full on video post-fest and nitwit isn't here to enjoy it. You can't bring up cheesy 80's videos and forget this: (even though its a good song with a great intro) Or this karoke staple:
Jesus are you people collectively trolling nitwit? Having a few pages of music videos in the drunk thread just to rub in that he's banned. It's pretty epic now that I think about it.
Since he probably has no life, I have no doubt he's lurking right now while cutting himself. DOWN THE ROAD, NOT ACROSS THE STREET DIPSHIT! REQUEST "NO FUNERAL"!!!!! As for the "Money for Nothing" video, let me tell you: people lost their shit the first time they saw it. It was state of the art for its time. Of course now it looks about as advanced as Space Invaders.
The difference is that there's a common and accepted theme, rather than a random splatter with no context.
Exactamundo. "Themes" pop up now and then, like this, or early 90's Cheese-dance, or true classic rock. The music is PART of the drunk thread discussion. They do not say something creepy to Pinkcup and then post a shit song by a shit band who's greatest claim to fame is playing the club band performing during the board room shootout in The Crow.