While I agree there are a lot of bullshit possession charges filling up prisons, it is fucking insane to argue 60% of those people don't need to be there. I interact with that section of society often. Just because they are in jail for a drug charge doesn't mean they aren't a violent, predatory scumbag. It's the highest penalty crime they were prosecuted for, not the worst thing they necessarily did. We're not talking about soccer moms who were arrested for a joint. The responsible, safe drug users don't cause problems and don't end up in jail (usually).
Pinkcup is to feminism as Crown Royal is to legalizing weed. It'll be on next year's SAT, kids. Study it! I want to go watch the first season of weeds, now. Thanks.
My favorite part of that article was when the author admitted that he jumped from marijuana straight to heroin. Holy Impulse Control, Batman! That'd be like wanting to fight Mike Tyson because you beat him in Punch-Out!! I always laugh when people try to shirk responsibility so blatantly. "No, this couldn't possibly be my fault! The [alcohol/weed/music/candy/invisible elves] made me do it. Why are you blaming me?!" Some people refuse to come to grips with the fact that they're an asshole.
Not fucking sure where I wrote "I think this has never happened to me before." Nope, I didn't write that at all, no idea where the fuck that comment is coming from. I know it has happened before, and its fucking annoying when it does. I know how high people act, and I've worked with high people at when I worked at Best Buy. Its annoying to work with, and its annoying to deal with when you're trying to get shit done and get out.
That's precisely how I took your comment, and I couldn't agree more. As to the weed thing, I'm all for legalization, but I do agree with the article in ONE respect: Stop telling me it fucking cures everything. You just want to get high. That's fine, I have no issue with it, so long as I don't have to deal with it, but knock it off with the 'panacea' arguments.
I saw Juice's post about his girlfriend wanting kids and did a Google Image Search for vasectomy (in a misguided effort to make a semi-funny R&R Visualized reply). Worst mistake ever. So many balls.
I did one for "ugly baby." Now I just feel bad. Ugly babies make me sad and Juicy is to blame. Fuck that guy. However, this is spectacular:
I see your point but I wonder how many gun charges and "drug deals gone bad" activities like murder, kidnapping, aggrevated assaults, etc. would not occur if drugs were legal. As the business model stands today, there is no protection or regulation by the law, therefore it is all accomplished by illegal means.
Come on man. People that are dealing in illegal drugs aren't going to become legitimate business owners cause weed is legal. I'm not sure where you are with this. Those people are going to find trouble regardless.
That may be but I would rather not see people with felonies on their records and serving time with actual criminals, where there were actual victims, for marijuana. It's nonsense. In the bigger picture, I would like to see full legalization of drugs. We aren't stopping anything by spending billions on the war on drugs, militarizing our police force and incarcerating people (on the tax payer's dime) for years for something so foolish there by ruining any chance those individuals have of a productive, law-abiding future. Look at prohibition, what did it accomplish? Look at the amount of criminal activity it fostered, look at the lives lost. The war on drugs is no different. If you regulate it, tax it and make it fully legitimate you will remove the criminal activity and likely lower the user cost.....hell, my bet is it will likely be a net lower cost to the tax payer. You pay more in treatment costs but far less in law enforcement and incarceration costs....not to mention the tax revenue.
Just spent the day at a barbell sport competition coaching 4 of our athletes. Three of them have never competed before, and one of them got his introduction to barbell three months ago. Twelve total lifts with a combined 8 PRs and 6 overall top placings. Two of our people placed in the top three overall lifters (one female, one male). I'm positively thrilled. Ok. Carry on with your drug talk...and re-reading I agree that just because marijuana were legalized doesn't mean people wouldn't find some other way to get in trouble. Though I do believe it should be legal.
right? The host gym decided to have the lifts be clean/squat/bench instead of deadlift/squat/bench. For whatever reason. I never heard the thought process there.
Correct. Plus, the harder the drug the seedier than clients and the dealers are. I've never gave a shit about legalizing other drugs personally, however I do believe its no fucking business of the government to tell people what they can and can't ingest, especially under the roof of their own home. Criminals are criminals. Some break the law as a short cut (laziness), or desperation, but the drug business is usually populated by people who just plain hate lawmakers-- There are some who just plain like the outlaw glamour (1% bikers are a perfect example). And they always find away around any trick the law pulls. If they made a drug legal, they would still figure out how to capitalize on it. That's why I always said it doesn't make much of a difference if you legalize weed. It's always everywhere, it's always going to be around, and legal or not people will still smoke/bake it.
That's...weird? I'm sure they told you guys before hand, but like you I've never heard of such a hybrid oly/power comp. I'm assuming the comp was regular though, 3 tries for your heaviest single and what not?
This difference for me is if it gets to be legal here, I might actually have a chance to enjoy it. I can't now because of drug testing at work, but in all reality even if the government gives it the ok it'll still be "illegal" for most anyone with a job that drug tests.
We knew, so it wasn't a big deal. Our people clean well. Squats and bench are generally easy also. My female in the 132 squatted 205, and my female in the 181 squatted 305. Both were easy. Both females cleaned 155. Benches were like 105 and 130 apiece. Not bad for the females. I'd have to dig out the males' numbers and weight classes.
That's the biggest reason why I want it legal. No having to go that extra mile to hide, ducking into alleys or hiding behind trees (or in sheds), no more people completely deny to everyone they know that they smoke it (and there are many of those people). No more shame or feeling "like a criminal".
Know what makes me a sad panda? People talking about the justice system in the WDT. If I knew how to do it I'd post an otter gif than a pic of a hot naked girl, maybe in black and white.