Yours looks even better. I can't finish a bottle so it's all boxes around here. Today is the day we seed the lawn with clover. Hubs is going to cut the grass quite short and then I will use the hand seeder with clover mixed with sand. Tonight I'll water. I hope it turns out well! I was having weird dreams about clover flowers last night.
Not a "million" dollars... but yes. $400. And it gets used multiple times a day and still makes the best toast I've ever had in my life.
They are pretty big slices. Think thick cut slice of home made bread, toasted up in garlically goodness... not some small anemic Wonder Bread bullshit.
Although I can't remember that last time I had a slice of toast, the kitchen geek in me wants the details of this bad mamajama
They had a lineup of these at the breakfast bar in a hotel in Tokyo I was staying at and I was sold. Had to have one. So my buddy (@malisbad ) who lives in Tokyo was kind enough to find one and ship it to me here in Canada.
I should also mention that in the video I posted, they get the description of the numbers wrong. Japanese take their bread seriously, so they have predefined sizes of bread. That's what those numbers mean. When you buy bread, it has a number on it, and that corresponds with the toaster number: