When I did my sleep study, they did it in a sleep clinic. Twice. First one was to determine if it was sleep apnea... it was stupidly uncomfortable and they had sensors on my eyes, legs, feet, etc, to check for eye movement, restless leg syndrome, and a ton of other stuff. Once that was done, it was obvious I had sleep apnea so then they scheduled a second study. It was bad enough that I got it within a week of the first, rather than wait the 6 months in line there was normally, for those people that weren't about to die from sleep apnea. For that second one, I was hooked up to a remote controlled CPAP that they would change throughout the night once I'd fallen asleep. Same set of monitors... no way I could have done either one at home. This clinic was a bit better as I could control the temp (I need it cold to sleep), but even then the head monitors were a huge wiring harness like the Predators hair... woke me up a fair bit during the night. But what they did do was wake me up to try a bunch of different nozzles(?)... some nasal, some full mouth/nose, etc. They also changed the pressures on the CPAP in real time while I slept to see how I responded to the settings. I was out the door at 5:30am. About 3 weeks later the doc who reviewed all the telemetry had a consultation with me and then asked me where I wanted to buy my CPAP, and sent the prescription there for it to be programmed. (In Canada you need a prescription to buy a CPAP). My current CPAP has a cell card in it and reports all my sleep data back to the doctor so he can monitor it and remote adjust my CPAP based on that data, which is pretty handy. (It's a Resmed Airsense 11). Over the last 3 months I've gone from minimal sleep (1.5 hours a night) to 8 hours solid, as per my Apple sleep monitoring data. I feel totally different, in a good way. Now working at undoing the 5-6 years of damage sleep apnea has done to me... and it's fucking hard at this stage in my life.
Dude, all that shit you had done to you was totally unnecessary. Did you get your CPAP in 1957? Seriously- diagnosing sleep apnea is not that difficult. Do you snore? Do you stop breathing during the night? Yes, you’re suffering from sleep apnea. It’s not that complicated.
Of course it’s not. But they have their processes in place to get them paid, and it’s legislated, so we have no options other than to play the game.
How does waking up with a boner and deciding whether or not to rub one out while you're up factor in? And, do the wires get in the way of that?
If you have premium health insurance in the US, the doctor is obligated to provide assistance. With socialized healthcare, though, there's just a glory hole to the next room.
Safety first... it's all about monitoring your breathing, so they can come in and save you if something bad happens.
I passed the biggest herd of migrating sagebrush ever on the interstate today. Only hit a couple. Before living in this part of the country, I used to think the tumbleweeds on cartoons were exaggerated but they are not. They pile up on fences, block roads, and bop along happily, looking like animals running across the open fields. I kinda love it.
I don't think we have a general sportsball thread, so I'm just putting this here: https://theathletic.com/5193316/202...ames-college-gameday/?access_token=817161#_=_ lol
This Hasidic Jewish tunnel thing in NYC just does not stop getting funnier by the minute. Every time I see new footage it’s just more comedy gold of those annoying idiots showing exactly why nobody in their right mind takes them seriously.
That is some batshit crazy stuff with even batshit crazier conspiracy theories to go with it. Especially on Twitter.
They've been going wild with it on the r/conspriacy subreddit. They keep saying that they found "child mattresses" when they are obviously adult sized... They're shitty, twin sized mattresses without springs that you can pick up with one hand, but far from "child sized."
Well hell... I wasn't expecting that many more responses about the sleep study/CPAP. I had my consultation on Wednesday with a doctor that is supposed to be the best in the state. I filled out the forms to that describe just how poorly I sleep or fall asleep. We chatted for a while, decided to do the "at home" sleep study* and he even prescribed something for my restless leg issues (so far, so good on that). Just have to wait on insurance to get back with the doc's office then I go get the equipment for the sleep study, try to sleep with whatever gear attached to me, then return the gear with the data, then wait on insurance again before another appointment with the doc to discuss CPAP machines. *I know if I try to do the sleep study anywhere at home, I will NOT sleep. I will literally be up until the next day. I already have a bad enough time sleeping at home, anywhere else is even more difficult. In the middle of all of this, me, the wife, and several of the in-laws are going on a cruise, so I'm sure that will delay things even further. Thank you all for the info.
Yeah I don't know why they ever thought in patient sleep studies would ever work for light sleepers. Hell I can barely sleep at a hotel on vacation. My mom went in for one years ago and barely slept and she never went back for a follow up. Luckily the little multi input data logger was easy for me to sleep with at home. That was really easy.