Man. United Airlines ticketing agents do NOT stay down for an 8 count. Wobbly dude got up and came back.
Prehistoric planet is the most photorealistic view of dinosaurs, I've ever seen. It's going to make Jurassic World: Dogshitpile look awful by comparison. Plus, baby dinosaurs everwhere. This shit is fantastic.
Yesterday Elon Musk demanded that his #MeToo accuser verify her claims by describing something weird about his genitalia. Today it was entered into the public record that Johnny Depp said that Musk has a crooked penis. Coincidence? You decide.
Rumor was Clinton has a wonky wanker also. Wonder whose is more crooked. I saw a porn once and the dude had a MONSTER dong that made a 90* turn. It didn't have just a slight curve, it could see around corners.
Nah, his dick wasn't curved, it was just so massive that it warped spacetime around it and appeared curved. It's called gravitational lensing.
Credit where credit is due: Amber Heard did more cataclysmic destruction to MeToo in two weeks than every single MGTOW on the planet could ever dream of accomplishing in ten lifetimes.