No, actually about 10 minutes. It's a small town Walmart Supercenter. Oh, and I just bought a Roomba. Our house has no carpet and a cat (not my choice), and with your glowing review, I got Jungle Julia one of her Christmas presents.
I would like to go out on Black Friday, but not to shop. I would walk into the store wearing a full-shield motorcycle helmet, looking like James Remar in “Rent-A-Cop” and just start headbutting everybody around me in the face. They can punch me back or mace me but.... motorcycle helmet. And when the store would kick me out I’d politely say “That’s okay, I was only browsing for what buy online.” .... then toss the manager the helmet and ride out into the sunset, never to be seen again.
our house just has rugs, otherwise all hardwood. Two young children and three dogs plus a cat that sometimes comes in and it’s a lot to handle normally. My wife wanted a roomba as her “push present” when my eldest was born, apparently those are gifts you get women when they go through childbirth. You won’t regret your purchase for an instant.
I feel like that clip should be on a Fox News segment arguing in favor of restarting slavery or something.
Add an iVac to the Roomba recommendation. And a silicon broom. Holy no pet hair ever. Or...whatever hair.
Holy fuck. They need a checkout lane that goes straight to the gas chamber. I swear, some of those people are dumber than animals. I love the retards fighting over one item when there's more on the shelf right next to them. How goddamn stupid can you get?
The tribe has definitely becomes too watered-down. I was hoping that this bullshit would be similar to Planking, where after a couple years everyone would see its lameness and stop doing it. ....every year they get worse, and at the same time more PROUD to participate in it. Some act as if they’re some sort of extreme badass for going shopping, as if it stacks up to that TT race on Isle of Mann, so they’re bragging on their Youtube channels on how they ran over a ten-year-old for a Bullet blender. “Look at this unnecessary shit I bought!” So worth losing a vacation day over. Cretins.
I don't know why the "security guards" even deal with this shit. Youd have to pay me 200 dollars an hour and I'd still probably just walk out when people started beating each other over the heads for flat screens.
two words: relaxed ROE If they gave me a taser and told me I could go ham on anyone acting like a fucktard, I’d probably pay them for the experience. It’s videos like that that make me think we need a good ole population cleansing
They might get $200 bucks for that entire shift. I used to do strike security. When we worked mines they would frisbee circular saw blades at us and packed snowballs meant for us with ballpeen hammer heads in them. You’ll always find somebody willing to get paid.
I hope it continues to get worse. Way worse. Every once in awhile a few of these cretins get trampled to death by the rest of the swarm. Well, a dead one here, a dead one there just isn't good enough. I want these fucking lunatics to really let it out. They're going to be stupid and dangerous no matter what they're doing. If black Friday can convince more of them to slaughter each other over discounted IKEA lamps and whatever other miscellaneous crap they short circuit into barely cognizant primitives over then GOOD.
Pic is too big to post. Croissant with layer of sweet potato casserole, layer of peas, turkey, and thin layer of cranberry sauce. I was told it was gross and I should feel bad. Pft. Thanksgiving sandwiches are almost better than their original renditions.
You're wrong. Smash it down and devour. Its heaven in yo mouth. Sweet potato casserole with praline topping is the bomb diggity. Unrelated. Theres some local fisherman with a spot on the local TV here. Huge dude. After the fishing segment the camera cut to a kitchen where he taught his audience how to make a ham, shredded cheese, and sriracha tortilla to take as a snack while on the boat, with the pro tip of wrapping in a paper towel before wrapping in foil so you don't have to touch it with your hands. I'm here til Wednesday. Somebody send help.
Speaking as a mechanic who eats on the job, that is how you pack your tacos/ sandwiches for lunch/ eating on the job. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TOUCH YOUR CLEAN FOOD WITH YOUR DIRTY HANDS, 'Wildered?!
Do tourists just forget all social normals and spatial awareness the second they enter a new place? there’s some serious social unrest in Hawaii right now due to the tourism industry and the local government giving the hotels financial incentive to keep bringing in more. I agree with the islanders on this one. The vast majority of tourists can go fuck themselves.
I always thought people loved rearranging deck chairs all day while gel-haired teenagers loudly ask them how they can score pot. PUT BAGS IN BIG CAR. I GIVE YOU TWO DOLLARS.
The best part is when the elderly tourists try to speak Spanglish to them like they’re being nice to “the help.” “Gracias senor” in their most southern, slowed down and drawn out drawl. They’re Polynesian not Mexican you old racist shitheads. Now get back to your walker and shuffle along.