IS THERE SOME SORT OF MEDAL FOR CHALLENGING WANKS, BECAUSE (cue Pokemon theme music) ....I'M DOWN FOR THAT SHIT. I saw TM's first book in the humor section of an old book store in Olympia, WA, and it made me think about how far away 2006 was. Now, we're all over here turning down drunken women and removing titty pictures because it's not...people we want to be, I guess. Nothing wrong with GROWING old, it beats the hell out of getting old and staying the same asshole.
What can I say? Some of us are in our 50’s and have learned to be respectful of people… when the situation warrants it.
I’m growing old and becoming a completely different asshole. If we don’t strive to improve and evolve, what’s the point? And I’m getting a kick out of my buddies saying “what the hell happened to you?”
I'm about at this point in my "growing old" phase. Everyone has young kids, "parties" now consist of dinner, four people splitting a bottle of wine and everyone heading home by 9pm.
What evs. Everyone looked. Just like everyone looked, and liked, Jennifer Lawrence's butthole. I can acknowledge it's shitty for the girls and all. But, in the end of the day, it's not stopping me from looking. They are titties after all.
I don't know man, that stuff just makes me feel dirty even looking it up. When all those celeb pictures were leaked -- I think it was called "the fappening"? -- I couldn't bring myself to check even out of morbid curiosity. I know that's not gonna stop everyone else from looking, and there's no way for these people to tell or care that some random Internet person decided not to look, but for me, that's just a line in the sand morally. They didn't know or allow it to be published, so it makes me feel like a bad person if I see it.
The digital world is a no-privacy zone. I’m not saying it’s a free-for-all and we should look at everything. But even if I was riding the high of winning a championship whatever, I wouldn’t whip my dick out and think “it’s okay, nobody will ever see this because it’s a private celebration for friends and teammates.” In other news, did I see that the sovereign entity Darrell Brooks has built a cardboard box fort of justice?
I understand he has the right to defend himself, but at what point can the judge just have his mental health evaluated and assign him counsel?
Closing arguments are scheduled for tomorrow, and he's already asserted that he intends to invoke his first amendment right to talk about jury nullification and all of the "truth" that the judge wouldn't let them see. If he doesn't end up getting tased, I'm going to be really disappointed. I guess it's a little more complicated than that because in Wisconsin he isn't asserting his right to represent himself. Rather, he waived his right to counsel. She would have to reverse her earlier ruling, and possibly others because he originally tried for an insanity defense and was found competent on those as well.
She made it a point today to state for the record that he was found mentally competent when he waived his right to counsel, and that he has the equivalent of the intelligence of a 12th grader. He loved that. got to see the box fort building live. It was hilarious when they’d have the bailiffs take the boxes away, then he’d get pissed, then he’d get it again, build the fort back, rinse and repeat.
My favorite part from today was when he claimed he hadn't been given a copy of the jury instructions, the judge had the bailiff walk over, pull the documents out of the trash can, and hand them to him, only to have him throw them on the floor again.
Its not at all a skit, but he dies act like he learned how to defend himself from watching Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. Its just non-stop cliches that you see from watching bad television. His only hope from this is to give himself as much celebrity as possible by acting like an insane asshole.
The jury didn't even get to sit down before the judge dismissed them so they could drag Brooks to the other courtroom this morning. I almost feel bad for the appellate judge who is going to have to write an opinion melding the disruptive defendant representing himself over Zoom thing with Indiana v Allen in a way that doesn't open the door for future abuse.
My brother-in-law said that to me not long ago. Said I've changed, he didn't recognize who I've become because I don't come around him anymore. That's a fucking good thing. I would hope I had changed, I'm in my forties with a child. When he met me I was a fool with an $18,000 a year cocaine habit, I had a camper parked behind a hole-in-the-wall biker bar, I stayed drunk and was wild as fuck. I wasn't a bad person back then, I didn't steal, didn't hurt anyone that didn't hurt me. I just raised hell, a lot of hell. Now, I'm sober, except for a some beer or liquor a few times a year. I volunteer for organizations that help animals, orphans and provide services and aid for the community. I try to do the right thing, always.
Like Ruth said "I don't know shit about fuck" but that seems like a LOT of coke. Put into booze terms, is that the equivalent to a 750ml bottle of booze a day? 1.75L? Or can you not compare them?