They lost me when they said Lorde "Royals" and Robyn "Dancing with Myself" were more meaningful to the cannon than the Rolling Stones "I Can't Get No Satisfaction."
Rick Astley just dropped this cover, playing live in a brew pub. Made me smile. Dude has been doing some very cool stuff during the Pandemic... he's so much more than a Rick Roll.
@bewildered asked if I had turtle soup. I thought about it because it has been years, at least eleven. Friends caught a massive one on Dam Neck base that we cooked up. But it's just me and the kid and the dog, so I turned it back. Caught a couple of these, just the right amount for me and the dog. The dog loves seafood, he'd rather eat the cat's canned food than his own.
The new generation of music journalists are every bit as clueless about their subjects as the new generation of so-called “film critics”.
I recently read an article that was praising Lorde’s new song “Solar Power,” because it is (paraphrased) the first song in AGES to use the mixolydian mode! I had to chuckle, because the author was writing as if he had some rare musical knowledge, and also there’s probably hundreds of songs a year written in mixolydian. And also because he used as an example of one, George Michael’s “Freedom ‘90.” Which is the exact same fucking song as “Solar Power.” I don’t hate the song, or have anything against Lorde. It’s just, journalists acting like a well-established modal composition tool is innovative and groundbreaking, that’s just stupid. I have thousands of dollars in student loan debt, just so I can make nerdy complaints like this.
Very cool. What also made me smile is knowing it sounded so much better live, but you wouldn’t know it from the recording. It happens to everyone. (Sorry, I’ve been seeing a lot of shitty sounding recordings of my band online lately.)
assuming my appointment with the specialist goes well tomorrow, which we have no indications that it won't, then the physical therapist is going to let me start running again on monday. 3 months ahead of schedule. the human body truly is amazing in its capacity to recover from devastating injuries. And yet you see it all the time that someone trips the wrong way and they break their neck or some shit
Jason Newsted is married to a friend's sister in law and they have a home here for when they're visiting family. I figure one of these days I'll run into him, and it'll be all I can do to ask if Lars is as much of an asshole as he seems to be.
I wish I could get the chance to ask James Hetfield, because the answer would probably be “OOOOOOOOOH YE-HEAH!!”
I can already tell you that he’s a huge asshole. Vince Neil is ten times worse, but he’s a spoiled crybaby nonetheless. Kurt and (formerly) Cliff are the true musical geniuses in Metallica
Which is funny, because that distinct Metallica sound is thanks to the drums and Hetfield's guitar interacting with each other. Let's also not forget Jason Newstead.
So color me really fucking stupid, but is that a kind of catfish? I am not good at fish ID but see whiskers. My dogs love smelly stuff too. Our older boy has been a poor eater forever but worse lately. We bribe with canned sardines, canned tuna, and duck eggs. Turns the appetite back up and he's back to eating for awhile.