The same way the amoeba consumes its prey. I mean she has weigh what, four…. maybe five thousand pounds? Being sexually attracted to that automatically qualifies as a perverse fetish. When being attracted to you is a fetish, that doesn’t make you hot. It means you have SERIOUS work to do.
her being in public should qualify as indecent exposure which is why I'm of the belief that clothing manufactures should stop making certain types of clothing beyond a certain size. 4XL thong? Fuck outta here. That ass swallows it up so much the cheeks go back together and it becomes an ass crack again
I just fat people to be looked down upon they same way junkies are, because they aren’t any different and just as low. Only their addiction is readily available and legal, they dint have to hide it, in fact… they more of a disgusting bitch you are the more likely you are to get your own tv show. Fat Bitch : “Everybody is wrong but me and I want second dessert!!!!” Network Executives: “You are of the strongest, bravest, most beautiful women ever witnessed. Twenty million dollars for six episodes.”
have we, as a society, gotten to the point where we understand that "big boned" is not a thing? Or do some people actually still believe that? Do we still blame being fat on exceedingly rare pituitary glad issues, like "shhhh, they might have some health issues you don't know about"? Or have we come to the understanding that yes, poverty and demographics does have a lot to do with it, because healthy food isn't cheap food, but also not being a lazy piece of shit also plays a massive role?
Proofreading, dude. Do it. Anyway, I agree with Crown, and I wonder how much longer American society will coddle fat-asses. I live in one of the fattest states in the country*, and this shit has been out of hand for awhile. When I was a kid in the '80s, there would be ONE fat kid in each class. I drive by three elementary schools on the way to work every day, and most of the kids are butterballs these days, at least around here. I'm the skinniest guy in the shop I work in, and I'm a 41 year old who drinks 6+ heavy beers a day; some of those guys are in their twenties and morbidly obese (I'm not even going to comment on their work performance). Anyway, my point is: when will people/ society say "ENOUGH!" and start shaming these people, as they deserve? Think about it like this: In a time long ago, many, MANY, MANY people in America smoked. But over time, there were negative ad campaigns, movies/ TV shows stopped showing people smoking, it was banned from buildings, and it became fashionable to give people shit for using tobacco; I should know, because I started smoking in the late '90s (I quit when I got out of prison). Are we going to do something drastic about obesity? I ALWAYS hear about how obesity and all of its related complications/ diseases are a huge drain on the American medical system... Kind of like how tobacco use and all of its related complications were a drain on the American medical system... But no one ever says "put down the fork!" All I ever hear are people saying that eating a reasonably healthy diet is too expensive, it's racist, etc. I abso-fucking-lutely think there should be a tax on junk food, and any sort of junk food/ soda should NOT be eligible for food stamps. Fuck you if you think I'm wrong or classist. This message brought to you by a man who loves thick women... But not fatasses. *Depending on the survey year, it's usually either Texas or Mississippi, but it's always a Gulf-coast state.