I brought fireball to my mom's house, And my brother in law was asking what fireball was a few years ago. I think it became popular after his time in college, and he was the introverted programmer type anyway. We were sitting at the kitchen table where I was explaining the college culture around fireball when my other sister, the cheerleader homecoming queen social-ista prances in and exclaims, " ooooh fireball?! I LOVE fireball!" I just raise my hand. Point made.
Most of my siblings are entering that mid-life crisis age, so they and their spouses love fireball as well. To me, there's something deeply unsettling about seeing a 45 year old man doing airplane bottle fireball shots mid-day by the pool, but you do you I guess. Soon as our custom bar was finished being built, my wife celebrated by going out and buying a handle of it. She has yet to open it.
Jager was the hotness when I was in school. Taste like black licorice and asshole (another disgusting fad after my time). Still better than Fireball.
I love sweet alcohol but recent experience has told me that I need to leave it be. I have a crazy sweet tooth and tend to be a binger. It's just better not to go there.
Fireball is what amateurs drink when they want to appear wild. Jagermeister. It''s all in the logo: Oh. Dear. God. Anyone else try the four horsemen? Goldschlager, Jaegermeister, Rumplemintz and Cinnammon Schnapps? If you did, you probably need to be told by others, because you likely won't remember it yourself.
Jager and redbull was the thing. You knew you were getting drunk. Then some crackhead did vodka and redbull and it was off to the races.
I worked at a party store briefly when I was 21 and there was a lot of drinking involved, sometimes at work and sometimes after. One of the managers liked buying rounds of cherry bombs, which I'm pretty sure was redbull and bottom shelf cherry vodka. It was somehow more palatable than jager bombs but hoo damn those would fuck you up and ruin the next day. I think I was making something pathetic like $10/hr but the store was about to be torn down to be redeveloped and it was the most fun, lawless, least consequential job I ever had. There was a weird platform over the stairs to the basement that was known as the treehouse where someone supposedly used to sit a bust shoplifters, but where we would drink beers on break. Ah, memories.
That's one version. The other is Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker, Jameson and Jack Daniels. Jose Cuervo was sometimes substituted for the scotch. What my friends and I generally shot as the the go-to to get drunk was a 252. Bacardi 151 rum and Wild Turkey 101 bourbon. It's basically lighter fluid and tastes like it.
JagerBOMBS JAGERBOMBS JAGERBOMBS! The most consequential black out drinking incidents I’ve had were either JagerBOMBS or red bull and vodka. Non caffeinated black outs were slept where you fell. I never blacked out and hooking up with a girl I had zero memory of meeting until Red Bulls and vodka.
This is me. At this stage in my life I'm focused on the relative flatness of her stomach before anything else. Cute little pouch don't bother me none, but anything more protruding and I avert my eyes entirely. Next is the ass, she's gotta be able to put on shorts and hold them up without a belt, with the strong caveat that I have zero interest in any aftermarket BBL work. You can always tell, when the thighs just suddenly end in a bubble with no natural blend. Boobs will always get my attention, but after the shock I revert to the previous two items before I officially judge a body "good".
John, Jack and Jim were the Three Wisemen. Jose wasn't a sub, it was added to the three to make a Four Horsemen.
I've heard of Johnny Jack and Jim as the Three Wisemen, but adding Jose sounds like insta-vomit. The local townie bar where I grew up used to have a tradition where you could ask for a birthday shot, which was code for the bar mat drippings. I only ever ordered that once, and it was for one of these obnoxious girls who thought her birthday was cause for everyone in the bar to pay attention exclusively to her - flashing crown, sash, grinding on people, screaming at everyone... she was going up to randoms and demanding they buy her a drink, so I bought her one. Watching her swallow the mouthful of puke that bubbled up after the shot was exceptionally satisfying.