Sweet (sour?) Baby Jesus... after a couple of weeks and a nontrivial amount of cash, they showed up today. You, my friend, were not lying.
Hah. They're pretty gnarly. Most people at work just spit it out after <5 seconds and complained that it was burning their tongue. I'm pretty sure you could feel your enamel softening. I tried all the flavors and would occasionally grab one, but they were a little too extreme for me to enjoy as a casual, "I feel like a piece of candy" treat. It's a big-ass friggin' bag, too.
DevOps also did a hot sauce phase for a while. We did some fun stuff (hot sauce tastings, some spicy chocolates), but they found some lollipops that were crazy hot and did a time challenge. Two guys seem to be totally unaffected by spicy stuff - one Indian guy and the other guy is married to an Indian woman. A third guy thought he could keep up, and gave it his best effort. He lasted about 30 seconds while his face turned purple, then he fled the room, threw up, and went home sick for the rest of the day. I think these were the lollipops: https://www.amazon.com/Toe-Satan-Hot-Lollipop-Pack/dp/B01E0D73HK
I've been following this story over the last few days. From what I can tell, he rebuffed her at some point (those specific details are murky) and then she went off the fucking deep end over it. The FBI said they did not have any evidence of her claims being true, but I guess he resigned anyway to spare his family further embarrassment. She was attacking people at her station and in a classic white-trash move, tried kicking out the windows of the cop car.