Is it like crazy expensive in Canada for electric work? I did the same thing you did nett, but it was $1000 and half a days work from our electrician. We had to upgrade to 300amp service and since we have two apartments, we installed two sub meters coming off they main house line. I can't imagine what's making it cost 20k.
it's not the person who hooks up the lines that's expensive, it's paying the other three to sit around and "supervise."
In this case, it's a subdivision that was built out in the early 70's, when it was full on "who needs more than 80 amps in a house?", so the infrastructure was all built with 100 amp service limits. In order to go to the "allowed" 200 amp service, it requires roads to be dug up, trenches dug, mains reconnects at both the city's end and my end, etc. That is the part that is incredibly backed logistically, and is also crazy expensive. I think I can do all the other stuff for under $7k.
Gotcha. There are some benefits to having overhead lines despite my fiances insistence they should bury all the lines everywhere. The guy climbed the pole, did some monkeying around and, bam! We were juiced to the gills.
Nett don't you run your business from home? I don't know how it works in your part of Canadia, but around here, the commercial side of utilities are very different than residential. The power companies, for instance, will provide the infrastructure structure upgrades, knowing they'll get it back in consumption fees. I have a friend that was going to have to pay a bunch to get his workshop (professional wood work) upgraded. (He runs his shop equip and elecric heaters.) He originally inquired through his residential side. Then, he contacted the business program, and they did it at no charge. (He does have a separate meter)
Yeah, that won’t work as the area isn’t zoned for anything more than home office use. I wouldn’t be allowed to have any kind of a commercial workshop, at least officially enough to get that kind of treatment. Good idea though, thanks.
Toshiba actually makes a very small in-ground reactor that they sell for small establishments. I'd be tempted, but I don't think I need quite that much power.
During long-haul covid, yes though I’m currently asking everyone I know if they have anything stronger than Advil and Tylenol. Haven’t taken a prescription pain med since my brain surgery 13 years ago, as I have both a very high pain tolerance and an addictive personality. That will change though tomorrow when the doctor calls back. This pain is so intense in my legs I’ve thrown up from it.
I just made a starbucks "medicine ball" at home and now I have the sudden urge to order Uggs and flip my hair incessantly
Hubs is working tonight and the baby is down. The prospect of making dinner alone was getting me down. But wait! Alcohol exists! I grew mint for a reason, damnit. It is mojito hour. Nett was right. Swiss chard + mushrooms + balsamic vinegar + garlic is a great combo. Y'all should try it.