Well, I taste tested raw swiss chard and it was super earthy but the vinegar and mushrooms really mellow it out. It's a great flavor combo.
I'm jealous. I was supposed to have a badass garden this year after learning everything that doesn't work last year. Then covid fucked up the spring garden, and my legs might fuck it up for fall. I might just toss seeds around in our mulched areas and say fuck it, if it grows it grows
I'm just disappointed because it seems that my new swiss char is rotting due to all the rain we're getting... I don't know if it's just wet or if it has some sort of mold thing going on, but it's blackish and falling apart. Total failure on that front. Tomorrow I'm ripping it out and putting a new row and hoping it grows before the end of the year.
I had a rough go with mine too. First I burned it, then the earwigs decided it was their favorite food. I'm finally getting to harvest some. Hopefully you can get a good batch going. Now that I know how to cook it, I think I'll try to keep a few plants each year. It's a different and standout taste compared to other greens I've cooked.
I just watched a guy cash a $100 lottery ticket... And then buy another $100 of lottery tickets. Some times I don't think humanity has a chance.
He’s playing the volume game. I am not a man who likes conflict. Life is stressful enough. So it really irritates me when my bar, my sanctuary, becomes a source of stress. Therefore I had to have a discussion with a hapless, drunken idiot there who got into a habit of commenting on my wife and daughters appearance. What started as a complimentary light hearted banter became creepy so I had to forcefully put an end to any further discussion. All I want to do is relax. Now I’m going to have to rage drink.
The math on scratch off tickets is actually kind of interesting. Back when I worked in a convenience store I had a shift where a guy went through an entire roll of $20 tickets and ended up only being down $40 in the end.
great, now they're gonna do an MRI on my left leg and I was told to expect about a year for recovery including therapy and rehab. At least they prescribed some painkillers so I can get some goddamn sleep at night rather than waking up every half hour from throbbing legs. Anyone every taken tramadol? I haven't touched a painkiller since my surgery over a decade ago, and I'm kinda scared of taking this even at night, but I'm so damn exhausted from the pain that I feel like I'm out of options.
I’m not a fan of pain killers but I’d be fine with Tramadol. I’ve taken it and never noticed any issues.
My ex-wife has been on Tramadol for about fifteen years now. It's an anti-inflammatory, and is NOT narcotic. If you take a few of them, it'll get you sort of high. You'll be fine.
Tramadol is a narcotic opiod. However, it is not as powerful or as addictive as hydrocodone. Much like Norco cuts straight Vicodin with acetaminophen, Tramadol doesn't have the edge that Vicodin does. You should be fine, if you take the recommended dosage. I've taken it when I had a back problem, and rather than just making me numb and/or sleepy, it just dulls the pain to make it tolerable.
okay that makes more sense. I told him the pain was to an extent that I was having issues sleeping, that it wakes me up at night and I haven’t properly rested because every 30 minutes I get woken up with my legs like fuck you man! delta 8 is taking the edge off when I’m not working and later in the evening, but unfortunately it only lasts so long. I’m just wary of the effects of popping pills every 4-5 hours for weeks on end and would rather just suck it up during the day then get some rest at night