If that power cord situation rustles your jimmies then wait still you hear about how that trim isn't even affixed to the wall.
No shit... I bet the trim is only the pre-primered shit anyway, waiting for paint, that they're eventually just going to nail into place as is. Heathens.
Gasp! How little you think of me! It has already been given 2 coats of paint. It was totally preprimed though, you got me there. For the record, the other room was carefully caulked and puttied and this one will be too. Turds.
I'm not fully clear on what happened here - I assume if it came out of the box like that you wouldn't have hung it on the wall. I assume if you accidentally threw a half-full wine glass into it while watching Real Housewives in a stupor like a boozy panda you wouldn't be complaining to customer service. Some worker-people in your house made a boo-boo? Or did the TV kind of spontaneously implode due to a manufacturing defect or, like, getting cold? ~ ~ ~ I've been thinking a lot about retirement lately. My job is a drag. I'm fine at it, but it's all people management stuff now, and people are a pain in the ass. Per the usual schedule, retirement should still be 20+ years away for me. But thanks to a confluence of factors (good paying job while living below my means for many years, no kids, etc.) my horizon could theoretically be shorter. A lot shorter. So I look at all this FI/RE bullshit on the Internet and there are hipsters with two kids that say "If we can just save up [about half of what I've got right now] we're going to retire, move to Bumblefuck Oklahoma, and live on granola and whatever we can grow in the victory garden!" And it's like, shit, if I have twice that, I should be able to retire now, eat supermarket food and live in a city people have heard of. Given my relatively simple lifestyle needs and the fact that I have no desire to work at all, that seems really attractive. But my wife and I have been through the sick-and-aging thing with grandparents and a subset of parents. I have been front and center for cancer, emphysema, sepsis, and the absolute ultimate do-not-pass-go-do-not-collect-$200 best way to destroy the lives of everyone around you for the longest possible time, alcohol dementia. The end of one's life can be quick and relatively cheap or long and incredibly expensive. I'd prefer to be prepared for "long and incredibly expensive" for the select few people I care about that much, just in case. Having to predict the future is lame. I don't want to end up broke at 83 with no way to make more money and saying "shit, if only I had stayed working for 2 more years, I would be fine right now" while I'm deciding which 40lb bag of dog food I'm going to be eating for the month before dying indigent in the streets of Bumblefuck. Alternatively I don't want to drop dead at 65 with a shitload of money in the bank with my last thought being "fuck I could have retired 5 years earlier." As the great fictitious American criminal Saul Bloom once said - I want the last check I write...to bounce. Even 10 more years of the shit I'm doing now seems like a lot. If I can survive that I'll probably be in a pretty good place. It better not fuckin' kill me in the meantime.
Perhaps they are like me, I never test a TV before hanging it on the wall. It has never bit me in the ass, but maybe I should test before mounting next time. It's a damn wonder any of them work after bouncing along the roads of Mexico and the US during shipping. Around '07 to '08, I used to pick up loads of TVs south of San Diego that came out of Mexico. Trailers full of the things would get stolen and emptied all the time, trailers abandoned to be found later. If your trailer was missing when you went to get it, they just give you another one. They didn't even lock the trailers.
Same. The problem I have with that FI/RE stuff (particularly on Reddit) is that a lot of it feels like those people trying to justify some of the less-healthy financial choices they’re making for themselves. Sure you could live on the bare-minimum in Oklahoma somewhere, but it leaves little room for anything else and it seems like they are depriving themselves of a lot of interest-driven growth of their retirement funds. When I retire, I just want a tiny place for my mail to be sent to and then not be there as much as possible.
So did the giant crack from top left to bottom center happen before or after you hung it? Was that not noticeable before turning it on?
@Puffman yep, exactly. Learned our lesson about that now. It was our bad for not turning it on before we mounted it but we were trying to be super careful with it. It's almost 100lbs and a little wobbly even on its feet so we wanted it safely on the wall asap. Kept all the plastic and everything on it until it was safely mounted. I thought the cracks were bubbles in plastic but it was not. Now Amazon is trying to refund instead of replacing which is a problem since the price went up $400 and there are only about 13 sets left in their inventory. There is no sales tax here... if went to the closest retailer we would be purchasing in another state which charges tax on top of that. Also be paying delivery since we do not have the means to transport it ourselves. Totally #firstworldproblems. Just frustrating. We waited quite awhile before buying this one and it is this year's birthdays and Christmas's. Whatever, it's fine.
I'd bang Miley because she's thin and has perky tits. Well, I'd try anyways because her voice is a total boner killer. Zero attraction to her as a person though. I see this punk/rock look as an effort to try and stay relevant. "Hey look at me! I have tattoos, I flip the camera off, I flash my tits because that's how punk I am" Regarding the FI/RE theory: Due to living below our means, not carrying any debt, investing and thanks to a small influx of cash when my grand parent's house sells, we could sell our house in CA, use the equity to buy a house outright in Bumblefuck and retire now but it'd be a shitty retirement. Living in a cheap house in a shitty city and just watching Maury Povich everyday is not a retirement life I want to live. So, we continue to work, save, invest and plan to semi-retire in our early 50's. Find a low stress, part time job that allows me to take a lot of time off.
Well boxing just died today. Mayweather vs. Logan Paul. One of the greatest fighters ever, vs. a youtube kid. All because this dude whooped Nate Robinson's ass.
Anyone watch Nathan for You? I almost busted my guts in the final stretch of the Sevan Gas rebate episode.