Yep, that’s one of my favorite scenes. Saw this clip a week ago and laughed my butt off (it’s worth watching to the very end):
It's been a helluva day on Twitter. Apparently The Federation exists but we weren't invited. The Colonel sticking his drumstick between your breasts and thighs is... fingerlickin' good. And we're now sending police raids to stop the spread of COVID... health data.
Because a bunch of middle-class white women took out hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans to take classes for five years where they didn't learn anything remotely close to a useful skill because they were taught by people who had done the same thing 10 years ago.
I’ve had the luck of being able to visit Pearl Harbor and while the memorial itself was closed while I was there I still did the ferry out to it and it would have been an even more amazing experience had the foreign tourists showed even a modicum of respect while on the ferry. Waikiki however is an awful tourist trap and I would not ever go back, Kauai on the other hand was amazing, just skip Waikiki altogether.
I feel like I've seen this video posted a lot without the context of it being a music video. Here is the artist performing the song at the Grand Ole Opry.
Related: This talk Which 1) completely validates everything I can't stand about the youth, and 2) allows me to blame all of it on the people that annoy me most in the world. Therefore, it has to be correct. I can feel it in the cockles of my heart. This may be my kryptonite-like equivalent of "Bill Gates is putting nanobots in COVID-19 vaccines that are controlled by 5G to turn you into a communist." Re: Chuck Yeager I noticed that his wife posted the death announcement, and then I was like "hey his wife is on Twitter, that's pretty good for someone in her...80s? 90s?" Then I did some research and found out he married a woman in her 40s while he was in his early 80s. At the time her career was crashing Hollywood parties by pretending to be famous and surviving on an income stream from frivolous small-claims lawsuits. His friends and kids (who were OLDER THAN HER) warned him off about her, but he told them to pound sand. The story about their "chance meeting" does not leave out the possibility that she basically stalked him and arranged the whole thing, although that's probably impossible to prove. In his 90s, she started up the frivolous lawsuits again, suing everyone who used Chuck Yeager's name in any context. (If you had an ad that said "Chuck Yeager breaking the sound barrier is awesome, just like our toothpaste!" you'd better lawyer up). I hope she doesn't read this post. They actually got tagged as vexatious litigants in California. They had some minor victories on appeal, I guess, but apparently they are still on the list. The courts are VERY careful about limiting people's right to sue / due process, so accomplishing this requires an absolute massive level of fuckery. Is that blueberry guy still single? Maybe she can hook up with him now. EDIT: A spectacular quote from Gen. Yeager on their relationship [source]: Methinks you have that backwards, sir...
Damn, my kid has to have two pins put in his wrist tomorrow morning. The x-rays from the first visit, the bone was just about where it was supposed to be, close enough that they didn't even do any manipulation to set it. Today, the bone was nearly completely separated and the angle the bone was out of place is now 24 degrees. He didn't even complain about additional pain.