What. The. Fuck. Also, the feeling when you sit on a toilet and realize either your ballzinies are just hanging lower that day, or the turlit has a shallow depth and your balls dip into the toilet water. Little things women will never know the horror of.
I thought First Man was a lot better than the fairly muted hype it got. Really dramatized how being an Apollo astronaut wasn't just a few day adventure, but years of incredibly dangerous and cerebral piloting to get to that point.
It is fucking hot and humid right now. Humidex around 46 deg C. BBQing on the deck with a refreshing beverage: 4 oz of gin (Hendrick’s in this case), a lemon’s freshly squeezed juices, about 1.5 oz of Chambord, lots of shaved ice, topped with soda. Tastes like about 3 more.
Well we found one way to beat the heat: Wife's water broke at 2:30 in the morning last night and shortly after 10am today our son made his entrance to the world. Other than he's three weeks early, both he and mom are doing well.
Co-sign. It’s fucking CRAZY hot here. It keeps pushing the rain we were supossed to get back and back. This kind of heat makes it hard to enjoy the summer, it crushes you you’re outside for too long.
congratulations. our old hospital is not where you want to be, it is so old it just has one central boiler and no individual room thermostats. my son was born January 5 in northern Canada and we had to have the window open all night. my wife had an emergency c section and we left a day early because it was so hot.
Aren’t you supposed to bake it into an Apple fritter or something? Isn’t that what woke parent shit adds up to in this “current climate?”
Thankfully this is a new hospital; opened in 2015. I pulled on a zip up hoody about an hour before she delivered because I was chilly. Real feel temps here in northern Virginia have been hovering at or over 110° farenheit this past week
Several baby deer have been born around the house in the last few weeks, so we've started giving them whatever food we'd normally throw in the trash. Guess they told their daddies about it. Currently looking out the window at 3 8-pointers and one nice 10-pointer, along with about two dozen turkey and doe of various ages.
There's a much easier way to castrate a hog. Just put a tight rubber band around the base of their balls and let them go back about their business. Eventually the balls just fall off. I imagine it would work for anything with balls, but I've only done it to pigs.
I spent some time reading comments on Instagram after someone admitted they didn’t believe it happened. I think the most interesting thing was that his strongest argument was “look at Buzz Aldrin’s eyes, you can tell he’s lying.”
I have an alternate comment: “How did they fit his massive balls in his spacesuit?” Check out the man’s non-space resume. He is in a very, VERY exclusive club of badass people.
Going to be 100 degrees in eastern Massachusetts today. Basically this episode of the Twilight Zone. Spent the last week in the Outer Banks. Great time, except for the grueling 12 hour drive with a 1 year old.